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Treetops Nursing Home (new site)

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Treetops Nursing Home, St Clement’s Road, was subject to a recent planning application to redevelop the existing 27 bed care home to provide a new and enhanced care home facility with an increase in C2 bed spaces. Whilst the principle of development was accepted, the application was refused, mainly due to the scale of development proposed, its poor design, and the negative impact it would have on the wider landscape and Conservation Area. It is considered that these reasons for refusal could be overcome by a more appropriately designed scheme.

Key opportunities and constraints

  • Opportunity to achieve an appropriate design given location and context (in order to ensure harm to the Conservation Area and wider landscape is minimised and mitigated)
  • Achieving a viable redevelopment
  • Potential for the site to contribute towards housing supply (as a C2 use providing extra care units).

Policy Options

  • Allocate the site to give clarity over design requirements and site capacity (dwelling numbers and any other requirements)
  • It is anticipated that the site could accommodate a net increase of around 10 to 15 C2 units/bed spaces, which would take the total number of C2 units/bed spaces up to around 40 (subject to further design work).

Key relevant evidence

You can view Planning Application 20/01277/OUT (refused 21/08/2020) on our website.