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Duty to co-operate

1.13 Strategic planning authorities are under a duty to co-operate with each other, and other prescribed bodies, on cross-boundary planning issues of a strategic nature. Effective and ongoing joint working is required on identified strategic issues. The NPPF requires that this joint working is demonstrated by preparing and maintaining one or more Statements of Common Ground (SoCG), documenting the cross-boundary matters being addressed and progress in co-operating to address these issues. 

1.14 The Commencement Document (April 2020) confirmed that consultation and engagement with adjoining authorities and the other prescribed bodies will take place through a variety of means and will build upon joint working undertaken through preparing the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan. The main cross-boundary strategic issue arising through the Local Plan partial update relates to the option of allocating land at North Keynsham for development. If this option is progressed it requires cross-boundary working with South Gloucestershire and, given its Green Belt location, also requires engagement with other adjoining authorities, including Wiltshire and Mendip Councils. In order to demonstrate and document the joint work being undertaken, a SoCG with the relevant authorities is being prepared alongside the Local Plan partial update.