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Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment

1.11 Plan preparation is informed by a sustainability appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) at all stages. SA is a systematic and iterative appraisal process, incorporating the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. The purpose of sustainability appraisal is to appraise the social, environmental and economic effects of the strategies and policies in a local development document from the outset of the preparation process. This will ensure that decisions are made that accord with sustainable and healthy development.

1.12 The SA Framework is set out in the SA Scoping Report. The appraisals (SA and HRA) of options are published alongside the Options document and will be used to inform preparation of the Draft Plan. In addition, the Options document is accompanied by supporting evidence and a range of Topic Papers providing more explanation of the options on certain key issues. These are available in the Local Plan section of our website.