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  4. Apply for planning permission
  5. Local requirements for planning applications
  6. Planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development

Planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development

If you want to extract minerals you will need to apply to the Council for permission.

National requirements

All planning applications are subject to a set of National requirements (GOV.UK). Specific guidance also exists for mineral extraction applications (GOV.UK).

Pre-application advice

We encourage you and your agents to use our Pre-planning application advice service during the development your proposals.  This is particularly relevant for larger and more complex or controversial proposals and should help you identify the information that needs to be submitted with your application.

Local requirements

In addition to the national requirement (above), you may have to include the following supporting documents for this type of application: 

Sustainability appraisal

You should take sustainability into account in all development proposals.  A sustainability statement should accompany all applications for major development* (see definition).  This should outline the elements of the scheme that address sustainable development issues, including positive environmental, social and economic implications.  For example, using locally sourced or recycled building materials, renewable energy measures, sustainable drainage systems, sustainable waste management etc.

Listed buildings and conservation areas

If your proposal affects listed buildings or conservation areas you will need to consult with the Council's conservation and planning officers who are responsible for processing listed building consent and demolition in conservation area applications).  Proposals must have regard to the special character and setting of listed buildings and must comply with advice set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Archaeological assessment

If your proposal might affect ancient monuments or sites of archaeological importance you will be required to undertake an archaeological assessment as part of the application.  The level of assessment required will depend on the archaeological sensitivity of the site.

Nature Conservation/ecological assessment

You will need to carry out a wildlife habitat survey if your proposal will affect a site which is known to have, or is suspected to have, any species protected under the following legislation:

  • Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
  • Conservation (Natural Habitats etc) Regulations 1994
  • Protection of Badgers Act, 1992  

This includes badgers, bats, certain reptiles and breeding birds.  

If habitats or significant species are identified, further assessment will be required to determine the impact of the development on the wildlife and proposed mitigation to minimise the impact.  

Applications for development in the countryside which affect sensitive areas must be accompanied by ecological assessments and include proposals for long-term maintenance and management.

Landscape and Visual Assessment

Landscape and visual assessments are to be undertaken and submitted for all applications where there is a potential adverse impact from the visual effects from the proposed development.

Further information

Rights of Way

If your proposals affects a right of way (for example, a public footpath or bridleway) within or adjacent to the site, you should indicate this on the submitted plans. You must also include a statement outlining the details of the steps you will take to comply with any legal requirement to stop up or divert the right of way.

Download the application form 

Definition of major applications

(based on Town and Country Planning [General Development Procedure] [Amendment] [England] Order 2006)

  • the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits
  • waste development (ie operational development designed to be used wholly or mainly for the purpose of, or material change of use to treating, storing, processing or disposing of refuse or waste materials)
  • the provision of a building or buildings where the floorspace to be created by the development is 1,000 sq metres or more or,
  • development carried out on a site having an area of 1 hectare or more.

We strongly advise using a planning agent to assist you with your planning application.