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Strategic Policy for Bath's Universities Policy B5 and University of Bath Policy SB19

View University of Bath at Claverton Down on a map

View University of Bath at Claverton Down (Sulis Club) on a map

4.11 The Council’s current policy framework seeks to enable the universities to fulfil their ambitions, as far as possible, without those ambitions having a negative impact on the realisation of the Council’s wider strategic planning objectives for the City, nor an unacceptable impact on the university campuses or their environs. It prioritises general housing and jobs in the city.

4.12 The issues raised in relation to student accommodation are discussed and various options are proposed in section 2. The Council’s preferred approach is to facilitate necessary student accommodation on campuses.

4.13 The University of Bath has been developing its masterplan for the Claverton Campus. The draft emerging masterplan is broadly in line with the Placemaking Plan Policy SB19 in terms of locations of new development. It proposes around 38,000sqm of academic space (inc. some renovation) and 760 PBSA bedspaces.

4.14 The emerging indicative masterplan below shows the areas for new building projects including academic space and student accommodation as well as other important areas such as the green infrastructure, footpaths, and transport circulation.

4.15 The masterplan proposes new 3rd Generation Artificial Pitches. There are some concerns raised in terms of potential risk to health and soil/water contamination associated with old tyres which are often used as rubber crumbs in the pitch. Technology in this area is improving and now there are hybrid pitches and 100% recyclable with natural filling crumbs.

4.16 The development capacities at the Claverton Campus set out in Policy B5 (2,000 bedrooms and 45,000 sqm academic floorspace) are based on the previous masterplan prepared by the University and largely out of date. Therefore it is proposed that Policy SB19 is updated reflecting the emerging masterplan.

Consultation Reference Bath5

Amendment to Policies B5 and SB19 University of Bath

  • Remove the study bedrooms and academic space capacity figures from Policy B5 and amend Policy SB19 reflecting the masterplan work
  • Add the development capacities for PBSA (around 760 bedspaces) and academic floorspace (around 38,000 sqm)
  • Set out the policy requirements such as green infrastructure, Biodiversity Net Gain and avoidance of harmful materials in playing pitches.