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Bath Community Academy (formerly Culverhay School)

View Bath Community Academy (formerly Culverhay School) on a map

4.24 The Council is currently considering options for the future redevelopment and use of the Bath Community Academy (BCA) site on the south western edge of the city. The site lies wholly within the Green Belt and is also a highly sensitive site in terms of its landscape and visual impact on the edge of the World Heritage Site. Given its Green Belt location national policy makes it clear that redevelopment or limited infill is appropriate development so long as it does not have a greater impact on openness. Any greater level of development of the site would be inappropriate in Green Belt terms and would therefore necessitate removal from the Green Belt, subject to the demonstration of exceptional circumstances.

4.25 The BCA site currently accommodates a range of education and leisure uses. It is proposed that redevelopment of the site should continue to focus on education provision (various roles are currently being considered) and community uses. There is the opportunity through redevelopment to improve access arrangements, site layout and potentially reduce the landscape and visual impact of development. Work needs to continue on assessing the development capacity and configuration of the site. Whilst the future of the site will focus on education and community uses there may be a need to consider a minor element of residential development to help facilitate and fund delivery of new educational facilities (subject to capacity to appropriately accommodate it on site).

4.26 It is proposed that the site should be identified in the Local Plan partial update, with a policy focussing on protecting and maintaining it for educational use and setting out some of the key redevelopment requirements relating to landscape and visual impact and access arrangements by all modes of transport.

4.27 An option may also be to consider a minor element of residential development on the site to help enable education and community uses to be delivered.

Consultation Reference Bath7

Bath Community Academy

Proposed to allocate the site for educational and community uses and setting out the key redevelopment requirements including providing good access by all modes of transport and ensuring landscape and visual impact is minimised and if possible improved.

Option 1: allocate solely for educational and community uses

Option 2: allocate primarily for educational and community uses, with a minor residential element (to help ensure deliverability)