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Lyncombe Residents Parking Scheme Consultation

Visitors: what this means for you

If you regularly visit a resident

If you visit friends or family, you will need to make sure that your host provides a visitor permit. They can do this online by registering your vehicle registration, and the amount of time you want to park for, through MiPermit.

If you visit someone to provide care, you may be able to obtain a medical permit. These permits are available to the following professionals:

  • doctors
  • district nurses
  • community health nurses
  • midwives
  • home care assistants
  • health visitors

The cost of a medical permit is £60 a year, and it allows you to park in any zone whilst visiting patients or clients. You can find out more about medical permits, and how to apply, on our web page.

If you are a tradesperson visiting someone as part of your job, and want to park in a Residents' Parking Zone, you will need to apply for a trade permit. Trade permits are available to any tradesperson with heavy equipment, or who requires a vehicle on site.

Trade permits cost £6.60 per day, and allow you to park on the street, within any of the parking zones apart from Zone 1 and the central zone, where separate charges of £3 per hour apply.

If you regularly visit a business

If you visit a business located in a Residents' Parking Zone, and need to park on the street, the business may give you a permit that you can display in your vehicle. If you use a permit holder's bay but do not display a permit, you will be issued with a fine.

Dual use bays

There are a number of bays classed as 'dual use'. This means they are available for unlimited parking by residents' permit holders (including visitors permits), or up to 3 hours by non-permit holders, on payment of a parking charge. This means you could also pay to park if there is a dual use bay available, and your stay will be less than 3 hours.