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On-street parking permits terms and conditions

Visitor permits

4.1 We encourage visitors to use sustainable modes of transport such as public transport (including Park & Ride), walking and cycling, to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality for all. However, we recognise that residents may wish for visitors to park a vehicle in the zone they are visiting.

4.2 We offer digital permits via our MiPermit service, and paper-based permits in some zones, which cover a full or a half day. Restrictions apply to the number and type of permits available in each zone per year.

4.3 A valid visitor permit allows the visitor to park their vehicle in all on-street residents' and Dual Use parking bays, (resident parking / on-street Pay & Display bays) within the zone of the permit holder, for the appropriate duration during the operational hours of the zone.

4.4 Digital visitor parking permits are available through MiPermit. Digital visitor permits can be purchased in bundles of 100 hours and are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. A resident cannot purchase more than 1000 hours (100 hours only in the central zone) of visitor permits in any one 12-month continuous period. This is to manage supply of the total visitor permits purchased, against the limited availability of permit spaces.

4.5 The charge paid for visitor parking permits covers the membership, administration, maintenance and enforcement of permit schemes. A permit does not represent paid-for parking, and a space is not guaranteed. We will not provide a refund if permits are no longer required, or unable to be used.

4.6 Visitor permits are provided to enable visits to a resident’s household for personal reasons only, for example: family and friends. They should not be used to support visits to a property as part of any commercial activity where the household receives an income. Commercial activity may include (but is not limited to) the letting of any part of the property, or client visits.

4.7 Visitor permits are available to all residents that reside in Bath and Keynsham Residential Parking Zones, regardless of whether they own a vehicle themselves. Proof of residency must be provided, to apply for and purchase permits. The Peasedown St John zone is not entitled to visitor permits.

4.8 Paper visitor parking permits are available for certain zones at our Bath One Stop Shop, or by contacting our Parking Services team. You can email or call 01225 47 71 33. Full-day and half-day paper permits are available for eligible zones.

4.9 Paper visitor permits are not available in Bath’s Central zone, or any new zones implemented from 2019 onwards, which includes zones 17 and upwards.  

4.10 We will consider, on a case-by-case basis, any applications for paper permits, to meet the needs of vulnerable residents in zones where paper permits are not normally available.

4.11The digital visitor allowance can be used ‘by the hour’ via MiPermit, using the mobile app, website or via text message. The minimum stay that you can log is 1 hour.

4.12 All purchased digital visitor permits will expire one year from the date of purchase, if not used. No refund is provided.

4.13 A visitor parking stay must be activated via MiPermit for the required duration,  and this can be done up to 7 days in advance, or immediately upon a guest's arrival. The stay can be activated as hours or days. An active visitor permit stay automatically ends at the end of the requested time period.

4.14 A stay can be cancelled via MiPermit, if booked in advance and if the cancellation is actioned before the requested time starts. Your allowance will not be deducted.

4.15 It is the permit holder’s responsibility to activate a ‘further stay’ if the guest wishes to stay longer than first allocated. If no further stay is activated, and we issue a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice), the owner/keeper of the illegally parked vehicle , and not the permit account holder, will be liable to pay the penalty charge.

4.16 One-day permits are available in batches of 10, and half-day permits are available in batches of 20. It is not possible to purchase mixed batches, but residents can buy any combination of batches, up to their maximum entitlement. Permits expire one year from the date of purchase, if not used. No refund will be provided.

4.17 All panels must be 'scratched off' correctly from the relevant boxes on the permit, and any text boxes completed in ink, for the permit to be valid. The vehicle registration mark of the visitor’s vehicle must be written in the relevant space on the permit. The permit must be clearly displayed in the windscreen of the vehicle, immediately upon arrival.

4.18 View the cost of visitor permits, and the maximum entitlement, in the table below. For properties with more than one household, such as houses of multiple occupation (HMOs) please note that permit entitlement is per property, not per household within the property. We will issue permits on a first-come, first-served basis, and recommend that different households within a property negotiate together, with the aim of sharing parking allocation fairly.

Visitor permit annual entitlement and cost
Zone Permit entitlement Cost
Central Zone 100 digital hours £10
Zones 1 to 16, and A, B, & C

1000 digital hours, purchased individually

or in batches of 100 hours, in the form of:

10 x one-day permits

20 x half-day permits

£10 per

100 hours

10 one-day permits

20 half-day permits

Zones 17 to 19 & 21 and above 1000 digital hours £10 per 100 hours
Mayfields, Rock Road, Labbotts

1000 digital hours, purchased individually

or in batches of 100 hours, in the form of:

10 x one-day permits

20 x half-day permits

£10 per

100 hours

10 one-day permits

20 half-day permits

Zone 20 1000 digital hours £10 per 100 hours
Peasedown St John
No visitor permit entitlement