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On-street parking permits terms and conditions

Residents' on-street permits

3.1 Resident Parking Schemes operate across Bath & North East Somerset, including areas of Bath, Keynsham, Saltford and Peasedown St John. You can find out which parking zone you live in by checking the maps on our Residents' parking permits web page.

3.2 Residents' Parking permits give priority to permit holders to park their own vehicles within a reasonable distance of their homes during the operational hours of the parking zone in which they reside. They do not guarantee a space and are not intended to solve all parking problems.

3.3 Digital Residents' Parking permits are available in durations of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, through MiPermit.

3.4 1-month duration permits incur and additional surcharge of £0.62 to cover additional costs incurred by the council. All other durations are charged pro-rata.

3.5 Proof of residency is required as part of the application process.

3.6 Bath and Saltford Residents' Permit holders can park in all on-street residents' parking bays and dual use bays (resident parking /on-street Pay and Display bays) located within their specific zone.

3.7 Keynsham Residents' Permit holders are permitted to park in on-street residents' parking bays in the street that their permit is valid for: Mayfields, Rock Road, or Labbotts.

3.8 Peasedown St John Residents' Permit holders are permitted to park on Bath Road, Peasedown St John.

3.9 Residents' parking permits cannot be used to park in Pay & Display only parking bays or time limited waiting parking bays.

3.10 Central Zone and Zone 6 permit holders are permitted to park within Charlotte Street Car Park between 5.30pm and 10am, free of charge.

3.11 The charge paid for a Residents' Parking Permit covers the membership, administration, maintenance and enforcement of permit schemes. We will not provide a refund if a permit is no longer required, or unable to be used, and we recommend that residents consider short permit durations, if this flexibility is required.

3.12 We will transfer an existing permit to a newly purchased property address, subject to proof of residency and the new property being eligible for a Residents' Parking Permit.

3.13 A Blue Badge holder may park in on street resident permit bays and dual use bays (resident/on-street pay & display bays) when displaying a valid blue badge. There is no time limit to how long the vehicle may park, but the badge must be clearly displayed.

3.14 A Blue Badge holder living within an RPZ is entitled to a free 12-month residents' permit for their vehicle for that zone only. This is to allow the Blue Badge holder to leave their vehicle legitimately parked at home in a resident parking bay or dual use bay (resident parking/on-street pay and display bays) located within their specific zone, whilst they travel in a different vehicle with their Blue Badge. To benefit from this, the badge holder should contact Parking Services for assistance.

If the Blue Badge holder has a change in vehicle, the permit will need to be updated or replaced depending on the emissions by contacting Parking Services either by email at, or calling 01225 47 71 33. A £10 administration charge is payable for any change.

3.15 Permit costs are based on a vehicle's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, in line with the DVLA Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) classifications (bands match 1st April 2017 classification). Vehicles where there is no VED emissions rating available, including all vehicles registered before 2001, are charged at a standard level, based on engine capacity, matching the approach to VED.

3.16 You can check your vehicle's emissions rating or engine capacity free of charge online.

3.17 Permits for diesel vehicles cost 25% more, due to higher Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) emissions.

3.18 Permits are only valid for the vehicle registration marks pre-registered when the permit is purchased via a MiPermit account. A maximum of 4 vehicles can be registered per permit, at the point of purchase.

3.19 A If more than one vehicle is added to a permit, only 1 vehicle can be active and use the permit at a time. It is the account holder’s responsibility to ensure the correct vehicle registration mark is active against the permit.

3.20 The permit cost is based on the highest polluting vehicle pre-registered to the permit at the time of purchase.

3.21 If you have a change in vehicle and need to update your permit, you can only do this by contacting Parking Services by email at or calling 01225 47 71 33. A £10 administration charge is payable for any vehicle registration mark changes that are accepted.

3.22 A If the new vehicle is in a higher emissions band than the vehicles already registered to the permit, the permit must be cancelled and a new permit purchased. This will be charged at the rate for the vehicle with the highest emissions classification. See the table of permit costs in the Zones, Operational Hours and Permit Entitlement section. No refund will be provided. We therefore recommend the purchase of a short duration permit, where a future vehicle change is expected.

3.23 You can apply as a resident if you live and sleep more than four nights a week at your property within a residents' parking zone.

3.24 Permits are for use by residents when using their own vehicle to park within the parking zone where they reside.

3.25 Permits are linked to the resident’s property and are subject to proof of residence. You cannot have a resident’s permit for more than one property or zone.

3.26 Vehicle(s) used with the permit must be registered with the DVLA to the applicant’s residential property address within a residents' parking zone. The council reserves the right to request proof of the address the vehicle is registered to (the Vehicle Registration Document – V5C). This must be provided within 21 days of any request by Parking Services. A letter of authority from the vehicle supplier is sufficient evidence in the case of a lease car or a letter from someone’s employer in the case of a company car. Failure to provide information may lead to the permit being cancelled with no refund provided.

3.27 Due to the limited availability of kerb space on-street, Residents' Parking Permits are restricted to a maximum of two permits per property. In the Bath Central Zone and Peasedown St John's zone, the maximum number of permits is one per property.

3.28 Permit entitlement within new zones created from 2019 will be offset by the availability of an off-street parking at the property. For example, a property with access to one off-street parking space will have its eligibility for parking permits reduced by one. This condition will apply to any approved residents' parking zones, and may apply to other zones, upon review. See Section 12: Offsetting parking permit entitlement for information on what constitutes an 'off-street parking space'.

3.29 The operating hours and permit entitlement for each residents' parking zone are shown in the table below.

Permit entitlement and hours
Zone Hours (Mon to Sun) Maximum permit entitlement*
Central Zone 8am to 7pm  1
Zone 1 8am to 7pm 2
Zones 2 to 14 8am to 6pm 2
Zones 15 to 16 8am to 7pm 2
Zones 17 to 19 8am to 6pm 2
Zone 21 8am to 6pm 2
Zones 22 to 28 8am to 6pm 2
Zones A, B and C 8am to 6pm 2
Mayfields, Rock Road, Labbotts 8am to 6pm 2
Zone 20 8am to 7pm 2
Peasedown St John
6, 7 and 8 Bath Road only 8am to 6pm 1

*Permit offset to entitlement may apply; please see Section 12: Offsetting parking permit entitlement

Annual charges (3-, 6- and 12-month permits)

3.30 The table below shows the proposed annual charges for emissions-based Residents' Parking Permits.

3.31 three-month and six-month duration permits are charged pro rata, at the annual charge rate

Emissions-based Residents' Parking Permits - annual cost
  Non-diesel vehicle permits Diesel vehicle permits
  1st  2nd  1st  2nd 
VED band (g CO2 per km)
0 £50 £80 £62.50 £100
1 to 130 £100 £160 £125 £200
131 to 150 £105 £168 £131.25 £210
151 to 170 £110 £176 £137.50 £220
171 to 190 £115 £184 £143.75 £230
191 to 225 £120 £192 £150 £240
226 to 255 £125 £200 £156.25 £250
Over 255 £130 £208 £162.50 £260
Pre-2001 engine capacity (cc)
0 to 1550 £125 £200 £156.25 £250
1551 to 1950 £150 £240 £187.50 £300
1951 to 2950 £175 £280 £218.75 £350
Over 2950 £200 £320 £250 £400

Monthly charges (1-month permits)

3.32 The table below shows the monthly charges for emissions-based Residents' Parking Permits.

3.33 Monthly costs include a small additional surcharge to cover the increased transaction charges.

Emissions-based Residents' Parking Permits - monthly cost
  Non-diesel vehicle permits Diesel vehicle permits
  1st  2nd  1st  2nd 
VED band (g CO2 per km)
0 £4.79 £7.29 £5.83 £8.95
1 to 130 £8.95 £13.95 £11.04 £17.29
131 to 150 £9.37 £14.62 £11.56 £18.12
151 to 170 £9.79 £15.29 £12.08 £18.95
171 to 190 £10.20 £15.95 £12.60 £19.79
191 to 225 £10.62 £16.62 £13.12 £20.62
226 to 255 £11.04 £17.29 £13.64 £21.45
Over 255 £11.45 £17.95 £14.16 £22.29
Pre-2001 engine capacity (cc)
0 to 1550 £11.04 £17.29 £13.64 £21.45
1551 to 1950 £13.12 £20.62 £16.25 £25.62
1951 to 2950 £15.20 £23.95 £18.85 £29.79
Over 2950 £17.29 £27.29 £21.45 £33.95