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Whitchurch village: Transport opportunities

6.94  Some of the key issues in Whitchurch Village relate to transport and highways, as listed above. A number of transport opportunities and potential interventions have been identified for Whitchurch Village. These interventions will need more detailed consideration whilst working up the Draft Local Plan, including mechanisms for funding them.

  • Improving the connectivity for active travel, reducing the severance of the A37 corridor.
  • Improving access routes for pedestrians to facilities including the South Bristol hospital and Leisure Centre, to reduce the need to travel further afield.
  • Improving public spaces and routes, including crossing facilities, to encourage people to use active modes of travel, including:
    • Building on the success of the existing Liveable Neighbourhood scheme at Queen Charlton Lane to create greener, safer spaces for people.
    • New signalised pedestrian and cycle crossings on the busiest routes to improve safety of those using active travel modes.
  • Identifying minor rural roads to be designated as Quiet Lanes to provide safer routes for active travel, away from speeding traffic.
  • Extension of short-term E-scooter and E-Bike rental within Whitchurch Village.
  • Provision of a mobility hub in Whitchurch Village on the A37, providing a host of transport options in one place, allowing people to change modes easily between shared transport such as car clubs and e-scooters, public transport and active travel modes.
  • Bus priority measures could be considered and provided along the A37 corridor.
  • There is a need for Whitchurch Village to have good access to the facilities and services in Keynsham, such as Broadlands Academy. A new bus service between Keynsham and Whitchurch Village would fill a gap in the existing provision.
  • Demand Responsive transport (DRT) can complement fixed route public transport on the main corridors by providing connections into these existing services. WESTLink South zone currently runs through the middle of Whitchurch Village. DRT could be used to connect to the proposed mobility hub within Whitchurch Village, where passengers can gain access to a connecting bus or rail service to complete their journey.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed