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Flood risk

4.10   Bath and North East Somerset includes many waterways. Ensuring that flood risk is properly taken into account is another important factor influencing the location of development and resilience to climate change. Flood risk is initially considered through reference to the Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment in identifying flood risk areas. The map below is taken from the latest SFRA (2022) and identifies flood risk zones. This informs a sequential approach to development locations, seeking to avoid locating vulnerable uses (e.g. residential development) in those areas at higher level of risk from flooding. The Level 1 SFRA is being updated to inform the Draft Local Plan. For some potential development areas or options a more detailed or Level 2 Flood Risk Assessment may be needed and this will also be undertaken to inform the next stages of the Local Plan.


Flood zones exist along the majority of major water courses in the District.

Figure 9: SFRA Flood Zones map

4.11    Opportunities to mitigate increasing flood risks resulting from climate change, through nature-based interventions, will also be considered to inform the next stage of the Local Plan.