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Virtual School governor and designated teacher training

The role of the designated teacher

The designated teacher should be a central point of initial contact within the school. This helps to make sure that the school meets its responsibilities, minimising disruption to a child’s learning.

The most effective designated teachers promote educational achievement for both looked-after children and previously looked-after children.

The designated teacher needs to raise awareness among other staff of the particular emotional and academic needs of looked-after children by doing the following:

  • Ensuring teachers have high expectations for learning and know how to accelerate progress and fill gaps where necessary.
  • Making sure teachers are aware of the social, emotional and psychological effects children can experience when removed from their birth family, and the impact this can have on behaviour.
  • Understanding the importance of treating children in this group as individuals and listening to their voice.
  • Ensuring that behaviour policies meet the needs of looked-after children.

Day-to-day responsibilities

The designated teacher’s day-to-day responsibilities cover liaison with parents, the Virtual School, and other professionals, and ensuring that targets are monitored and achieved. These responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring targets in the Personal Education Plan (PEP) are met.
  • Making sure transitions are supported and are positive.
  • Ensuring inductions are effective.
  • Acting as a source of advice for teachers – for example around teaching strategies.
  • Working directly with social care, carers and parents to meet the needs of the child.
  • Making sure Pupil Premium Plus funding is being used effectively.