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Transport and Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): closed consultation

Document overview

This page sets out the principles behind the guidance in the Transport and Developments SPD, and the tools and approaches used in the document. Select one of the SPD's four main topics, below, to read more. 

We are promoting safe, resilient, and universally inclusive infrastructure for walking, cycling and other forms of active travel, such as wheelchairs and buggies. This will enable mass uptake of active travel, which will have a positive impact on tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergency, support health and wellbeing, and reflect local needs.

The SPD deals with the topic of active travel in the following ways:

  • Taking account of all forms of 'micro-mobility' including:
    • mobility aids and scooters
    • wheelchairs
    • pushchairs
    • e-bikes
    • e-scooters
    • adaptive cycles
    • cargo bikes
    • bikes with trailers
  • Providing substantial evidence for the benefits of active travel
  • Establishing objectives and design principles
  • Giving signposts to detailed design guidance
  • Providing proportionate tools and assessment criteria to support developers in making proposals which meet our expectations for promoting active travel
  • Setting out how proposals should integrate plans for active travel both on and off-site

The parking section of the SPD covers storage for cars, bicycles and other forms of wheeled transport. The approach covers the following aspects of the topic:

  • Car and cycle parking standards, including standards for a wide variety of wheeled vehicles, such as:
    • micro-scooters
    • powered two-wheelers
    • electric vehicles
    • commercial vehicles
  • Parking facility design standards (such as the layout and size of spaces, and disabled bay provision)
  • A wealth of information as to how developments should accommodate different types of car and cycle parking
  • Guidance for how parking policy on development sites can reduce motor vehicle usage and promote active travel and public transport options
  • Guidance for how to create low-car and car-free spaces for residents and visitors to developments
  • Guidance on how parking design can improve road safety within developments

Reducing car usage overall is the most important way to cut down the harmful impacts of car travel. Another important and practical step is to encourage people to move to less polluting Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV) and Electric Vehicles (EV).

The ULEV element of the SPD applies to new development and re-developments requiring a 'major planning consent.' It deals with the topic in the following ways:

  • Outlining a strategy for assessing what charging infrastructure would be needed for new residential and business developments
  • Providing guiding principles for developers, including design and location of charging networks to support safe and successful implementation
  • Demonstrating the importance of providing ULEV infrastructure
  • Defining standards and how they are applied

Travel Plans are an essential tool to manage the transport needs of an organisation or development site. This part of the SPD sets out how well prepared travel plans can ensure that transport is accessible and sustainable.

The SPD deals with the topic of Travel Plans in the following ways:

  • Giving guidance on the right sort of Travel Plan for different kinds of development
  • Setting out the environmental, community, safety and health benefits of well-prepared Travel Plans
  • Providing a checklist for Travel Plan design and contents
  • Offering a choice of delivery options for an appropriate Travel Plan
  • Setting out how Travel Plans will be monitored, and remedial action taken if necessary

The impact of the proposals

We recognise that people using, visiting or living on new developments will want to use a variety of modes of transport to travel within and outside the development. The proposals in this SPD shift the balance of options available, enabling more sustainable and healthier choices.

View the following pages to explore how the proposals and their implementation will affect facilities and conditions for cycling and other active wheeled transport, walking and travelling by car. You may want to consider some or all of these impacts, to form a view on how the proposals in the SPD will rebalance travel options in new developments. 

For developers and other built environment professionals, there is a summary of how your development proposals will need to plan for and enable sustainable transport, to meet our policy guidelines.

View the documents in full