The timeline below shows each stage of the proposed RPZ project, including those already completed, the current (active) stage, and future activity.
Initial public consultation
Completed -
Initial public consultation results and decision
CompletedWe have published the consultation results and the decision on whether or not this RPZ proposal is to proceed to the next stage.
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation
CompletedWe amended the RPZ proposals, taking into account the feedback we received in the initial consultation.
We launched a second public consultation, allowing residents to comment on a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and the detailed proposals for the RPZ in this area.
Final decision
ActiveFollowing the feedback we received in the TRO consultation, we have decided to introduce an RPZ in this area.
View the consultation feedback report
View the TRO notice and decision report
Final design
You can explore the details of the final design on our interactive map below. We have decided the locations of proposed parking bays and parking restrictions based on detailed safety assessments of the roads covered by the scheme, and your feedback from our previous consultations.
Permit applications
ExpectedYou will need a permit to park in the zone from 20 February. If you are eligible for a digital permit, you can apply through MiPermit from Monday 23 January.
Permits are available in durations of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months and the cost is based on the emissions of your vehicle. As a resident, you can also purchase digital visitor permits even if you are not a permit holder.
Zone introduction
ExpectedWork to introduce this RPZ will begin in January 2023, and works will take approximately one week. We estimate that this RPZ will be operational by 20 February 2023. From this date, residents will need to have a valid permit to park in the zone. Applications for permits will open one month before the zones start.
You can view the progress of the RPZ installation works on our schedule of works page. Residents living in the zone will also receive a letter in the post informing them of how to prepare.
Please note that schedules and start dates are subject to change and we strongly advise residents to regularly check the schedule for updates.
Monitoring and amendments
To be confirmedWe will undertake parking surveys in the wider area before and after the RPZ is put in place to ensure it’s working and not displacing parking.
We will be monitoring the impact of the new zones and we welcome feedback from residents and visitors. An annual review of the zones will also help us to address any minor issues.