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Residents' Parking Zones (RPZs) schedule of works

Following extensive public consultation, we are introducing seven new Residents' Parking Zones (RPZs) in Bath to support key policies on transport, health and the environment.

RPZs aim to tackle anti-social driving and commuter parking in residential streets, helping to manage the health and safety risks associated with the increasing number of vehicles driving in these areas.

The new RPZs also support our wider policy aims to reduce vehicle emissions and congestion, ensuring that fair consideration and street space is given to those that would prefer to walk, wheel, scoot or cycle short trips.

Read more about the new RPZs and the previous phase of works 

The seven RPZs we are introducing are:

  • Entry Hill area - Zone 22
  • Sion Hill and Summerhill Road area - Zone 23
  • Chelsea Road and Foxcombe Road area - Zone 24
  • Lyme Gardens and Charmouth Road area - Zone 25
  • St John’s Road, St Michael’s Road and Hungerford Road area (Lower Weston) - Zone 26
  • Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road area - Zone 27
  • Oldfield Park and Westmoreland area - Zone 28

We held two consultations and several engagement events for each of the proposed zones in 2021 and 2022. The final designs for each zone incorporated suggestions from residents and local businesses to ensure the needs of both groups are met.

A proposed RPZ for the Beacon Hill area will not go ahead due to the lack of support for the zone among residents that live within its boundaries.

Phase 1 works (January to February 2023)

Work to introduce the first five RPZs began in January 2023. The RPZs were installed in the following order:

  • St John’s Road, St Michael’s Road and Hungerford Road area
  • Entry Hill area
  • Sion Hill and Summerhill Road area
  • Chelsea Road and Foxcombe Road area
  • Lyme Gardens and Charmouth Road area

These five RPZs became operational on 20 February 2023.

If you live in one of these areas, you can apply for a Residents Parking Permit

Implementation schedule

Phase 2 (June 2023 to July 2023)

Work to introduce RPZs in the larger Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road and Oldfield Park and Westmoreland areas started in June 2023.

The Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road RPZ will come into force on 31 July 2023, while the Oldfield Park and Westmoreland RPZ will become operational from 29 August 2023.

No enforcement will take place until the lines and signs are installed and uncovered.

This is an estimated timetable, as wet or bad weather can delay works. Please check this implementation schedule regularly for updates.

We have completed the installation of signage and road lining works in this area.

From 31 July, residents in Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road will need a permit to park in the zone.

View the final design on a map 

Installation of signage and road lining works in this area started on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

Residents will need to move their vehicles from the listed roads before 7am on the specified dates to allow the works to take place.

Due to the size of the Oldfield Park and Westmoreland RPZ, groups of roads will be subject to parking suspensions and closures throughout a particular week, although not every road will be closed each day. This allows flexibility for the work crews to manage weather delays, if necessary. As a result, you may see areas which are closed and crews are not working.

Crews will be working as quickly as possible through the areas. Parking suspensions will be lifted as soon as they are no longer needed. We will provide regular updates on this page.

The work will involve the following steps:

Dates and roads with parking suspensions
Date Roads
Monday 17 July to Wednesday 19 July King Edward Road, Oldfield Road (west), Second Avenue, Third Avenue
Monday 24 July and Tuesday 25 July Arlington Road, Canterbury Road, Shaftesbury Road, Winchester Road
Wednesday 26 July to Thursday 27 July Durley Park, First Avenue, Oldfield Lane

Moorland Road overnight works

There will be overnight works on Moorland Road from 7pm on Friday 28 July to 7am on Saturday 29 July. The road will be closed temporarily overnight, and parking suspensions will be in force while the work is happening.

Junction Road and Oldfield Road resurfacing works: 7 August

There will be road resurfacing and RPZ installation works on Junction Road and Oldfield Road from 7am on Monday 7 August, for up to 5 days. The roads will be closed from 7am to 7pm, and parking suspensions will be in force while the work is happening.

We will not enforce the new zone on these two roads until we complete these resurfacing works. It is more efficient and less disruptive for us to combine these works and delay the introduction of the zone on these roads, rather than carrying out two separate works.

ETRO trial: 29 August

We will be trialling more dual-use bays and limited waiting bays from 29 August through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). We will update this page if any works need to take place to accommodate these changes.

You can read more about the ETRO and the proposed changes on our project timeline.

View the proposed changes on a map

Apply for a parking permit

Applications for parking permits will open at least one month before the zones start. Residents living in the zone will receive letters with more information on how and when to apply.

You can find out more about the cost of permits, eligibility and how to apply on our Residents Parking Permit page.


We will be monitoring the impact of the new zones and we welcome feedback from residents and visitors. An annual review of the zones will also help us to address any minor issues.

Residents can also request their own RPZs, via ward councillors, if there is a significant and lasting displacement of vehicles into neighbouring areas.

Contact us

If you have any specific queries about the RPZs or the Liveable Neighbourhoods programme, you can contact us by email at, or by calling 01225 394025.

You can also visit one of our libraries and Information and Advice Services for support.