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Sion Hill and Summer Hill Road area Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) TRO consultation

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) documents

The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is a legal document, setting out the parking restrictions we will use if the residents' parking scheme goes ahead. It consists of a legal order and mapping which shows the exact location and type of parking restrictions. Read about the legal process for creating TROs

In this consultation, we will give you an opportunity to object to all or any part of this TRO. You will need to state your reasons for any objection.

View the TRO documents

The TROs are currently in a draft form (unsigned, and without a start date); if we implement the scheme, the final documents will be published on our website page for Traffic Regulation Orders

Download the North West area TRO document (pdf)

View the TRO notice and mapping

Mapping tiles are part of the legal schedule of the draft TRO notice. You can view and download these PDF map tiles using Documents tab in the right hand column of the TRO notice webpage.

View the TRO notice mapping