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Pupil Premium Plus

Since 2014, schools have received additional funding, called Pupil Premium Plus, for every student they teach who is in the care of the local authority.

Pupil Premium Plus is allocated directly to the local authority and managed by the Virtual School Head. We then issue this funding to schools.

Schools must use this funding to improve the educational outcomes for children in care, and we work with them to agree how best to achieve this. View our full Pupil Premium Policy to find out more.

Pupil Premium Plus 2024 to 2025

For 2024 to 2025, Pupil Premium Plus is £2,570 for each child attending school from Reception through to Year 11. Children are eligible for this funding as soon as they enter care.

The Virtual School Head allocates Pupil Premium Plus for children in care for whom Bath & North East Somerset Council is responsible, even if they live in another authority.

Schools receive the agreed funding once they have completed the Personal Education Plan (PEP) and have submitted it to us for approval.

The overall grant allocated to the local authority is calculated on a per capita basis, but it is not a personal budget for individual children.

Early Years Pupil Premium Plus 

Early Years Settings caring for looked-after children can apply for the Early Years Pupil Premium Plus (or Pupil Premium Plus Grant) in the first full term after the child's third birthday. 

In Bath and North East Somerset, nurseries or early years settings can access approximately £220 each term, via application through the PEP process.

Post 16 Pupil Premium Plus

Schools and colleges teaching Post 16 looked-after young people do not receive any Pupil Premium Plus from the Department for Education (DFE).

You will need to apply for Virtual School funding through the PEP process. We will allocate up to £1,000 to schools and colleges in Year 12 to support young people to achieve level 2 qualifications in English and Maths, if they have not already done so.

Pupil Premium Plus for children looked after by the Virtual School

Schools can claim up to £600, three times a year (equalling an annual total of £1,800). Pupil Premium will be paid where a PEP is defined as good or better following our moderation process.

Guidance on PEP moderation criteria can be found on the templates and resources section of the PEP page

You can contact us if you require additional funding to meet the needs of a child above the £1,800 per year limit.

Pupil Premium Grant for previously looked-after children

The DfE may provide the Pupil Premium Grant for previously looked-after children from Reception to Year 11 who are attending a state school in England or Wales. To qualify, the school census must declare that the child has previously been in care, and one of the following now applies:

  • The child is in a special guardianship arrangement.
  • The child has been adopted.
  • There is a child arrangement or a residence order.

We as a virtual school are not able to allocate any additional funding for previously looked-after children.

Best practice guidance for schools

Schools need to show on their website how any Pupil Premium funding has been used. It is good practice for schools to involve parents in discussions about how the funding is being used to maximise educational outcomes for their child.

Guidance on the best use of Pupil Premium is available on the Education Endowment Foundation website.

Every school should have a designated teacher, and this will be the best person to contact at the school.

If a child is educated in a Bath and North East Somerset school, you can contact us for guidance and support.