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Procurement and Commissioning Strategy: public consultation

Residents and other interested parties: what this Strategy means for you

The Procurement and Commissioning Strategy will ensure that we procure goods and services in a way that supports our two core policies as a council: addressing the Climate Emergency and giving people a bigger say.

Read more about our Corporate Strategy and core policies

Our objectives

This consultation and the Strategy sets out where we are heading as a council, and how we plan to work with suppliers of goods and services to achieve our policy aims. We are shifting our aims for procurement away from just looking at cost, and including other concerns, such as the following:

  • Added Social Value, or how our suppliers benefit the community as a whole
  • Supply chain transparency, or how businesses check that their partners and suppliers are working ethically and sustainably
  • Moving towards more digital systems of working
  • How working together can help us, as an area, to become net zero by 2030

Our engagement with you

Running this consultation gives us an opportunity to show how our processes for buying goods and services are fair and transparent.

Read more about your council and democracy

It includes information to help you to understand how we are responding to global and local issues, such as the Climate Emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Brexit. Taking part gives you the chance to comment on our proposals, and the policy and principles behind them.