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Milsom Quarter 2022

St. Michael's Neighbourhood

Illustration of St. Michael's Neighbourhood

Our vision for this area is that it becomes a growing residential neighbourhood for Bath, with new development and conversions of upper floors supporting a range of local shopping and amenities at ground floor level, with a new public square outside of St. Michael's Church.

The lower half of Broad Street is currently heavily dominated by vehicle traffic, with narrow pavements and repeated bollards to manage the impact of cars and vans. In 2021, temporary social distancing measures were put in place to provide wider space for pedestrians, and like lots of temporary measures, they've proven to be effective at piloting innovative options for road narrowing to the benefit of people.

We aim to create an environment with a more local community character. There will be a plan for servicing and access for businesses and homes, but the street will be predominantly for the benefit of pedestrians.