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Milsom Quarter 2022

Introduction and policy background

The wider council policy context

Our Corporate Strategy sets out what we as a council plan to do, how we plan to do it, and how we will measure our performance. Our main aim is to improve people's lives, and so we are following two core policies to do this: tackling the climate and ecological emergency and giving people a bigger say. This consultation addresses both core policies.

For example, one way we aim to tackle the climate and ecological emergency is by reducing carbon emissions from road traffic by encouraging a shift from personal car use to public transport and active travel.

The measures set out in this consultation are designed to promote public transport and meet traffic management needs, making our roads safer for pedestrians, cyclists and users of other modes of active travel, as well as improving air quality.

We also want to give you, our residents, a bigger say about the things that affect you. Responding to this consultation will give you the opportunity to have your say. 

The Masterplan both responds to and will inform our Development Plan, which is the basis for planning decisions, while the Local Plan Partial Update already reflects the Milsom Quarter Masterplan aspirations in policies SB1 and B2 (see volume 2 - Bath).