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Milsom Quarter 2022

Purpose of the masterplan

By developing a masterplan, we (and other landowners) will have a strategy for future development, and the masterplan will also help us bring in public and private sector funding to deliver its vision. For example, we need public funding and grants in order to improve public spaces. Developer partners will also need to bring forward commercial development.

Bath City centre's high streets need to adapt and change to continue to be successful and vibrant places, and a masterplan approach allows the community and stakeholders to help shape the future of the Milsom Quarter area by creating a shared vision.

Opportunities for change in the Milsom Quarter area

  • Broad Street Car Park, Milsom Place and the YMCA courtyard are urban spaces carved out through the adaption and clearance of historic infill buildings - there is potential for all of these places to be enhanced.
  • King Edward’s School and the Old Post Office are vacant heritage assets, which could be redeveloped - similarly, there are other vacant buildings and unused upper floors that can be repurposed and brought back into active use.
  • The Corn Market is another vacant heritage asset in need of repair, facing onto the riverside development site of the former Cattle Market.