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Policy H/RES: Rural exception sites

Warning We are presenting policy options for five different aspects of rural exception sites. The first three are based on the policy overview on this page, while the other two are based on further detailed policy, presented on separate pages. We recommend reading through the policy information and options for all of this section together, to get a fuller idea of our approach to this policy area.

Policy overview

9.29    The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF December 2023) supports the delivery of rural exception sites to bring forward affordable housing to address identified local needs. Market housing can be included in rural exception schemes where this will facilitate the delivery of affordable housing. Schemes are typically on the edge of a rural community/village on a site that would not normally be granted planning permission for residential use.

9.30    Core Strategy Policy RA4 sets out the current policy in respect of rural exceptions sites that broadly reflects the NPPF. The supporting text to the policy currently emphasises that it is imperative that the majority of the scheme must be affordable and that a small proportion of market housing will only be permitted where it is robustly demonstrated it is needed to subsidise the provision of affordable housing.

9.31    Rural exceptions policy has not delivered any affordable housing to date during the Core Strategy period (2011 - 2029). This is largely due to changes in the affordable housing sector funding and delivery models, but also to the restrictive and overly complex nature of exception site delivery, as well as a relatively imprecise planning policy.
9.32    The current policy does not provide any guidance on the scale or size of exceptions sites that will be permitted and provides limited clarity on the level of market housing appropriate in cross-subsidising delivery of affordable housing. This lack of clarity is acting as an obstacle to the delivery of affordable housing on exceptions sites.

9.33    It is proposed that many key elements of the existing policy should be retained, including ensuring provision meets a demonstrable need for affordable housing, support of local communities, that homes remain as affordable housing in perpetuity and local connections tests are met. The need for affordable housing within a rural settlement will be determined through a Rural Housing Needs Survey based on robust methodology and housing need within the settlement as evidenced through the Housing (Homesearch) Register.

9.34    Given that ‘exceptions site’ development would be outside controlled/defined areas (i.e. the Housing Development Boundaries), sites should be identified through a sequential approach which includes assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts. It is considered necessary to emphasise the importance of development being on sites well related to settlements and appropriate to their context in terms of character, scale and form and that have no adverse impact on internationally or nationally protected species and/or their habitats.

9.35    In relation to the Green Belt locations, rural exception sites will be allowed in the Green Belt only when it can be demonstrated that non-Green Belt alternative sites are not available. The policy would also seek to ensure that ‘rural exceptions sites’ are selected in order to minimise harm to the openness and purposes of the Green Belt.

Policy options

We are suggesting options in our approach to three areas of the policy overview above:

Select a link to view these options and give your feedback.

The final two policy areas are presented on separate pages, along with more detail of the background to the policy we are proposing.

More on this topic

Read the Housing topic paper and Local Housing Need Assessment (LHNA) for in-depth focus about this topic, and the evidence which informs our policy. Visit our library of Local Plan Options supporting documents to learn more.