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Green Belt

About this page

How this part of the Local Plan Options Document works

These Development Management policy option pages contain the following sections:

Policy background

  • Relevant national policy or regulations
  • National or regional trends
  • Local situation and needs/li>
  • How we have dealt with this issue in the past
  • The thinking behind the policy

Policy options for the new Local Plan

We may suggest a variety of approaches:

  • Keeping existing policy as it is
  • Making small changes
  • Replacing the policy with something that is substantially different
  • Identifying factors or events which may affect this policy in the future

Policy option analysis

  • A list of the advantages and disadvantages that we have identified for each of the policy options we are presenting.

More on this topic

View the Green Belt Assessment Evidence Base for in-depth focus about this topic, and the evidence which informs our policy. Visit our library of Local Plan Options supporting documents to learn more. 

Explore the policy

Select a section below to read more.

Policy background

9.245 The National Planning Policy Framework (2023) has introduced some changes in the way that Green Belt should be considered. Through the LPPU we have recently reviewed adopted policies relating to Green Belt against the revised NPPF and consider that they remain consistent with National Policy. As such no changes are proposed to policies CP8, GB1 and GB3.

9.246 Policy GB2, in relation to infilling in villages washed over by the Green Belt, was updated through the LPPU and while we consider that the policy is consistent with national policy the Options document gives the opportunity for the approach to be tested further in response to comments made during engagement in preparing the Options document.

Policy options for the new Local Plan

9.247 The comments received highlight the importance of making sure that new developments provide smaller homes that meet the local demand or need, rather than building large or detached houses which often do not meet local need and may change the character of villages. In relation to Policy GB2, an option is therefore set out where the policy requires applications for infill development to demonstrate that they're offering housing that meets the specific needs of the local area, based on robust evidence. To meet this requirement, a parish would need to carry out a survey to understand the housing needs within their village. If they don't do this, applicants would have to rely on a broader District-wide assessment called the Local Housing Needs Assessment.

Option A

Retain policy as existing.

Advantages of Option A

Accords with the NPPF in that limited infilling in villages within the Green Belt is not regarded as inappropriate development, infill boundaries have been defined in the LPPU in consultation with parish councils for all villages washed over by the Green Belt.

Disadvantages of Option A

None identified

Option B

Amend policy to require that applications for infill development to demonstrate that they're delivering housing that meets the specific needs of the local area.

Advantages of Option B

Helps maintain village character. Development meeting existing needs.

Disadvantages of Option B

May be seen as too restrictive.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed