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Policy H/RES: First Homes exception sites

More on First Homes policy

Please read this policy and options together with the policy for rural exception sites

Select a section below to read in more detail about First Homes exception sites.

Policy background

9.37    The government introduced First Homes exception sites to deliver Affordable Housing for first time buyers. First Homes exception sites have replaced entry-level exception sites and changes were made to national planning guidance to facilitate this. First Homes exception sites can address housing needs across the local authority area rather than be focussed on the needs of a specific community, although the local authority does have discretion to introduce local eligibility criteria, where it is evidenced based. The Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) on Affordable Homes Update (24 May 2021) sets out national policy on First Homes. First Homes exception sites cannot come forward in areas designated as Green Belt or National Landscapes (formerly Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and thus are limited in terms of which areas they can come forward in Bath and North East Somerset (see map below). First Homes exception sites should be on land which is not already allocated for housing.

Figure 62: Map showing Green Belt and National Landscape designations across B&NES (Select a shaded area to find out more about policy wording)

9.38    The WMS (24 May 2021) sets out that First Homes exception sites should be adjacent to existing settlements, proportionate in size to them, not compromise the protection given to areas or assets of particular importance in the NPPF, and comply with any local design policies and standards. View further Planning Policy Guidance on First Homes

9.39   We propose the policy options below, bearing in mind that there are limited areas in Bath and North East Somerset in which First Homes exceptions sites can come forward. Please also see Planning Policy Guidance on First Homes as an element of a qualifying large site

Policy options for the new Local Plan

Option A

It is not proposed to take forward specific policy on First Homes Exception Sites within Bath and North East Somerset as there are limited areas in which these Exception Sites could come forward in Bath and North East Somerset and planning applications would be determined in line with National Policy (Written Ministerial Statement) and Guidance and the Development Plan.


  • Reflects national policy.


  • Does not consider Bath and North East Somerset specific requirements.

Option B

Take forward a criteria-based policy on First Homes Exception Sites within Bath and North East Somerset.

Discussion Question

If you would like to see a criteria-based policy, what factors do you think the criteria should cover?


  • Provides a criteria-based policy on First Homes Exception Sites within Bath and North East Somerset.


  • Reiterates national policy.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed