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Policy H/BtR: Location of Build-to-rent schemes

Please read these options together with the policy for Build to rent developments

About this page

How this part of the Local Plan Options Document works

These Development Management policy option pages contain the following sections:

Policy background

  • Relevant national policy or regulations
  • National or regional trends
  • Local situation and needs/li>
  • How we have dealt with this issue in the past
  • The thinking behind the policy

Policy options for the new Local Plan

We may suggest a variety of approaches:

  • Keeping existing policy as it is
  • Making small changes
  • Replacing the policy with something that is substantially different
  • Identifying factors or events which may affect this policy in the future

Policy option analysis

  • A list of the advantages and disadvantages that we have identified for each of the policy options we are presenting.

Explore the policy

Select a section below to read more.

Policy background

9.76 National Guidance states that where a Local Housing Need Assessment identifies a need for BtR developments, authorities should include a Local Plan policy setting out their approach to promoting and accommodating BtR, recognising the circumstances and locations where it will be encouraged. As such, the following options are proposed:

Policy options for the new Local Plan

Option A

Policy to set out preferred situations in which BtR will be encouraged, i.e. located in city / town centre locations.

Advantages of Option A

Encourages BtR in sustainable locations.

Disadvantages of Option A

Restricts smaller BtR schemes outside town centres – could be considered too restrictive.

Option B

Policy to restrict BtR developments, apart from within site allocations where levels of provision are specified, based on local need.

Advantages of Option B

Ensures provision as an appropriate balance of tenures within a scheme, based on need.

Disadvantages of Option B

Restricts BtR other than site allocations – could be considered too restrictive.

Option C

Policy to stay silent on the preferred location of BtR developments, therefore allowing the market to lead location of future development.

Advantages of Option C

Provides flexibility.

Disadvantages of Option C

PPG requires approach to promoting and accommodating BtR to be set out in LP.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed