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Policy H/AS: Residential space standards for affordable housing

About this page

How this part of the Local Plan Options Document works

These Development Management policy option pages contain the following sections:

Policy background

  • Relevant national policy or regulations
  • National or regional trends
  • Local situation and needs/li>
  • How we have dealt with this issue in the past
  • The thinking behind the policy

Policy options for the new Local Plan

We may suggest a variety of approaches:

  • Keeping existing policy as it is
  • Making small changes
  • Replacing the policy with something that is substantially different
  • Identifying factors or events which may affect this policy in the future

Policy option analysis

  • A list of the advantages and disadvantages that we have identified for each of the policy options we are presenting.

Explore the policy

Select a section below to read more.

Policy background

Residential Space Standards

9.63 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) provides that where a local planning authority wishes to require an internal residential space standard that this can only be done by reference to the nationally described residential space standard (NDSS) within their Local Plan. The nationally described residential space standard sets out internal space requirements relating to bedrooms, storage and internal areas for new dwellings, with the requirements determined by the number of storeys, bedrooms and bedspaces.

9.64 The National Design Guide 2021 highlights that good design promotes quality of life for occupants and users of buildings, including function, and should provide comfort, safety, security, amenity, privacy, accessibility, and adaptability. It further sets out that ‘Well-designed homes and communal areas within buildings provide a good standard and quality of internal space. This includes room sizes, floor-to-ceiling heights, internal and external storage, sunlight, daylight and ventilation.’

9.65 NDSS are required within Affordable Housing within B&NES and were taken forward within the B&NES Planning Obligations SPD subsequent to the Housing Standards Review in 2015. Options as relates to Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS) in Affordable Housing are as follows:

Policy options for the new Local Plan

Option A

Take forward the requirement for NDSS within Affordable Housing in the Local Plan as currently set out in the B&NES Planning Obligations SPD in line with evidence base (note – this is subject to the Local Plan viability assessment that will inform the Draft Local Plan).

Advantages of Option A

Where a local planning authority requires an internal space standard, they should only do so by reference in the Local Plan to the NDSS.

Disadvantages of Option A

None identified.

Option B

Leave current NDSS requirements for Affordable Housing in the B&NES Planning Obligations SPD.

Advantages of Option B

Current policy.

Disadvantages of Option B

Where a local planning authority requires an internal space standard, they should only do so by reference in the Local Plan to the NDSS.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed