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Draft Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Public Consultation

Have your say

What we are consulting on

We are consulting on the content of the draft Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which is designed to ensure that reporting on new developments and improvements to existing buildings is simple and easy to do.

We would like to know your opinions on the formatting, guidance, and technical detail of the SPD, as well as how easy the information is to navigate.

We are also consulting on the Planning Obligations SPD, which is also currently under consultation. The two SPDs are closely related, therefore we encourage anyone responding to this consultation to also find out about the carbon offsetting section of the Planning Obligations SPD. 

Who we are consulting and why

We are consulting everyone who has an interest in sustainable construction, retrofitting and energy efficiency in the Bath and North East Somerset area.

We anticipate that tenants, homeowners, landlords, letting agents, developers, architects and other built environment professionals will have a specific interest in the changes to the Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD.

How to respond to the consultation

To take part and give your views on our proposals, complete our online questionnaire. 

If you have any specific queries about the proposals, please email or phone 01225 39 40 41 (Option 6).

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What happens next

When the consultation closes, we will review and analyse all the responses, as we produce a final draft of Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD.

We hope to adopt this SPD in conjunction with the Planning Obligations SPD and the Local Plan Partial Update. 

View the project timeline for an overview of how we expect the project to progress.