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Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Public consultation

What this document means for you

Use the following information to find out what the updates to the Planning Obligations SPD mean for you.

The planned updates to the Planning Obligations SPD take the most recent LPPU updates into account. It also clarifies the importance of carbon offsetting and biodiversity net gain.

You can find out the key changes by reading the Document Overview page. Read the complete document to understand the changes in full.

Developers, landowners and other professionals

The Planning Obligations SPD sets out our approach to seeking planning obligations required as a result of development. 

This update provides you with detailed information about the cases where planning obligations may be required. It does not set or introduce any new policy, but it provides guidance on the interpretation and implementation of Development Plan policies.

Key changes to the SPD mean that carbon offsetting and biodiversity net gain will be sought where applicable.

Local residents and businesses

These changes will help us to tackle the climate emergency, by requiring renewable energy generation to be a part of new developments. If it is not possible to provide renewable energy generation, new developments will be required to make payments to us to fund renewable energy elsewhere instead. This is known as carbon offsetting. 

The changes will ensure that new developments benefit their communities, either directly or indirectly. There may also be improvements to cycle, pedestrian and disabled facilities, and electric car club spaces and vehicles which we hope will help us to tackle the climate emergency.