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Care and Support Charging and Financial Assessment Framework

7. Section 117 and social care packages of care

If the service you receive is an after-care service under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983, you will not require a financial assessment, and you will be exempt from charges for the care and support provided under your Section 117 after-care plan. 

Your care and support plan may show that only a percentage of your care and support is funded under Section 117, and the remainder is funded by social care.

For the percentage of the care and support plan that is social care funded, you will have a financial assessment carried out to assess what you can afford to pay towards the social care element of the identified care and support needs.
The financial assessment will be on the same basis as that for non-residential or residential care, and support will be dependent on where you receive your care and support. 

You will be required to pay your assessed weekly care charge as follows:

  • If your assessed weekly care charge is nil, you will receive your non-residential care and support service free of charge.
  • If your assessed weekly care charge is more than the cost of your agreed care and support, you will pay the full cost of your care and support.
  • If your assessed weekly charge is less than the cost of your care and support, you will pay only your assessed weekly charge towards your care and support.