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Air quality management areas

Use this page to find out about the 3 air quality management areas (AQMAs) in Bath and North East Somerset.

Why we have air quality management areas

As a local authority, we need to review and assess air quality in our area against national objectives. If pollutant levels are above or likely to be above national targets, we need to declare an area as an AQMA.

If we declare an area as an AQMA, we need to produce an Air Quality Action Plan for that area which details how we will reduce pollution to levels below the national objectives.

We can revoke AQMAs if a future air quality review shows that air quality objectives are being met, and are likely to remain met.

Our air quality management areas

There are 3 AQMAs in the district where levels of nitrogen dioxide exceed the national annual average objective of 40 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3).

Air quality management areas (AQMAs)
AQMA Declaration date AQMA map Air Quality Action Plan
Bath 2002 Bath AQMA Bath Clean Air Plan
Temple Cloud 2018 Temple Cloud AQMA Temple Cloud Air Quality Action Plan
Farrington Gurney 2018 Farrington Gurney AQMA Farrington Gurney Air Quality Action Plan

Our revoked air quality management areas

There are 2 AQMAs in the district where levels of nitrogen dioxide no longer exceed the national annual average objective of 40 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3). We have revoked the AQMAS for these areas.

Revoked air quality management areas (AQMAs)
AQMA Declaration date AQMA map Revocation order
Keynsham 2010 Keynsham AQMA Keynsham AQMA Revocation Order
Saltford 2013 Saltford AQMA Saltford AQMA Revocation Order