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Somer Valley Enterprise Zone: Project overview

The setting and structural landscape

The landscaping of the SVEZ site aims to create 'a business park within a park', giving the feel of a woodland setting with generous green space.

Aerial view of the projected Somer Valley Enterprise Zone, when completed
Eastern aerial view of 3D masterplan for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone.
Impression of the SVEZ site from above, showing green spaces, retained hedge and tree boundaries within the wider site setting

We will aim to achieve this feel in the following ways:

  • Retaining and creating natural boundaries
    Where possible, we will retain existing hedgerows and provide new native structural planting. This will help to ensure that the site is in keeping with the rural character of the area, and will preserve and enhance the ecological value of the site, for example by protecting bat flight corridors.

  • Tree planting within the site
    Access and circulation routes will be lined with newly planted trees. This should establish and reinforce a new ‘street character’ and contribute towards creating an attractive setting for new employment and recreation. 

  • Travelling around, to and from the site
    We are proposing a fully integrated network of new pedestrian and cycle routes around the site, to encourage more active travel on site, and contribute to the parkland feel. These routes are designed to provide connections with the wider landscape and established public rights of way around the site, and to integrate the new zone into existing travel networks in the area. This approach complements the Somer Valley Rediscovered project, which seeks to enable communities to rediscover local walks, environment and heritage.

  • The location of facilities
    Main parking and servicing areas will be located at the rear or side of buildings, to enable inviting and active frontages.