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Somer Valley Enterprise Zone: Project overview

Project timeline

The timeline below shows the lifecycle of this project, including the current (active) stage and those already completed, as well as expected future stages and timings, if the scheme is approved and goes ahead to completion.

  1. Project start

    Complete Stage completed: Summer 2020

    This stage involved appointing a team to manage the project.

  2. Masterplan development and environmental scoping

    Complete Stage completed: Autumn/winter 2020

    This stage included developing an architectural vision and Masterplan for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone, and scoping out and initial assessment of the potential environmental effects of the proposed development.

  3. Ecological surveys

    Complete Stage completed: Autumn 2021

    We have completed a range of surveys to understand the existing ecology on the site, including, amongst others, bats, reptiles, amphibians, dormice, badgers, foxes, trees and plants.

  4. Refining Masterplan

    Complete Stage completed: Winter/Spring 2021

    We have refined the Masterplan in response to the ecological surveys, and to reflect the ongoing feedback from stakeholders and internal experts, including the B&NES Pre-Application Advice service, and the input of a Design Review Panel.

  5. First public engagement

    Complete Stage completed:19 May to 30 June 2022

    We presented the SVEZ Masterplan to businesses, residents and other groups and organisations with an interest in the project, to gain feedback and local information on the proposals, so that the Masterplan can best reflect local issues and concerns. Download the feedback report from that engagement process

  6. Transport modelling

    CompleteStage completed: Spring/summer 2022

    Modelling of potential impacts of the proposed development on the local transport network, and discussions with the local Highways Authority

  7. Highway design finalised

    Complete Stage completed Autumn/winter 2022

    Following modelling and transport assessment, there is a design for possible changes to the highway, such as access to the site and any off-site works

  8. Submission of Local Development Order and statutory consultation

    Active January 2023/ Revised consultation Sept 2023

    The Local Development Order and associated documents are submitted to the Planning Register, and open for statutory consultation. You can view the application and associated documents on our Planning Application platform, with a reference number of 23/00076/LDO. The local Planning Authority will assess the SVEZ LDO documents and supporting evidence, and decide whether to adopt the LDO for this development.
    Following feedback from the first LDO consultation, we have made modifications to the proposals, and are running a revised version of this consultation.

    Take part in this consultation

  9. Adoption of LDO

    DelayedNovember 2023

    If approved, the LDO will become formally adopted.

  10. Infrastructure construction start

    On target 2024 onwards


  11. Project completion

    On target We expect to deliver the SVEZ over a number of years