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  2. Children, young people and families
  3. Report a concern about a child

Report a concern about a child

WarningCall 999 if a child or young person is being abused, or is in immediate danger.

Tell us immediately

Tell us immediately about any of the following and open the relevant option for details on how to report your concern:

  • A child is suffering significant harm
  • You want to protect a child from abuse or serious neglect
  • You feel the child requires urgent or short-term care (acute services)

During office hours

You can raise your concerns in any of the following ways:

  • Call our Children’s Social Work Services on 01225 39 61 11 or 01225 47 79 29 (weekdays, 8.30am to 5pm, except Fridays when we're closed from 4.30pm)
  • Drop into the Keynsham One Stop Shop and ask for the duty children's social worker
  • Discuss your concerns with someone who works with children and families:
    • Health visitor
    • Social worker
    • School nurse
    • Teacher (all schools have a teacher responsible for child protection)

Call our Disabled Children's team

If you need to talk to us about a child with disabilities or additional needs, call us on 01225 39 69 67, or email us at

Text us if you have a hearing impairment

If you're deaf or have a hearing impairment, please text 'EDT' with your name and message to 60066 and you'll be sent an immediate auto reply to confirm that your text has been received. One of our Emergency Duty Team officers will then send you a text message to discuss your concerns. This should happen within 30 minutes, although during busy periods it may take longer. Your texts should cost your standard network charge.

Out of office hours

If you think a child is in immediate danger please call our Emergency Duty Team on 01454 61 51 65

During office hours

Report a concern about a child or young person online

Contact our Disabled Children's team

If you need to talk to us about a child with disabilities or additional needs, call us on 01225 39 69 67, or email us at

Text us if you have a hearing impairment

If you're deaf or have a hearing impairment, please text 'EDT' with your name and message to 60066 and you'll be sent an immediate auto reply to confirm that your text has been received. One of our Emergency Duty Team officers will then send you a text message to discuss your concerns. This should happen within 30 minutes, although during busy periods it may take longer. Your texts should cost your standard network charge.

Out of office hours

If you think a child is in immediate danger please call our Emergency Duty Team on 01454 61 51 65. Report all other concerns on our online form.

Report a concern about a child or young person online

Get help early to reduce possible risks

Get help early on if:

  • You're looking to get support for a child (or their family) before their needs escalate
  • You're concerned about a child who has complex needs and other support hasn't worked

Refer to our Threshold of needs matrix to see how different needs should be met.

Get help early on