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Food Hygiene Rating Policy


Food Hygiene Rating Policy

This policy shows our Food Hygiene Rating Policy, issued in July 2022 and updated in August 2023.

  • Published date: 29 June 2022
  • Last updated: 17 August 2023


From the 1st July 2022, the Food Safety team at Bath & North East Somerset Council changed its policy on re-scoring.

This policy is aimed at Food Business Operators registered in the Bath & North East Somerset area who have an existing food business or are in the process of setting up a new food business.


Last updated 17 August 2023

Strategic Evidence Base - Summary and Full Report


Strategic Evidence Base - Summary and Full Report

Download the Strategic Evidence Base core document and executive summary

  • Published date: 29 June 2022
  • Last updated: 21 March 2024



Strategic Evidence Base - Executive Summary (511KB)

Tell us what you think of the Strategic Evidence Base

Last updated 21 March 2024

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018 sets out an assessment of need for pharmaceutical services in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) for the three year period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2021. Producing this assessment is the responsibility of the B&NES Health & Wellbeing Board.

  • Published date: 29 June 2022
  • Last updated: 01 July 2022


Last updated 01 July 2022

Delegated Planning decisions


Delegated Planning decisions

List of planning applications determined under delegate authority

  • Published date: 16 June 2022
  • Last updated: 24 June 2024


Delegated decisions in respect of planning enforcement cases issued for the period 25 April 2024 to 21 May 2024.


Last updated 24 June 2024

Naming of new street in Radstock

Notice is hereby given that on or after 27 June 2022, Bath and North East Somerset Council will make an order (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Order’) under Section 18 of the Public Health Act 1925. The effect of the Order will be to name new roads indicated on the attached plan 'Roundhill Gardens'.

Any person aggrieved by the intended order may within 21 days after the date of this notice appeal to Bath and Wansdyke Magistrates’ Court at North Parade Road, Bath, BA1 5AF. 

Dated: 25 May 2022

On-street electric vehicle charging strategy


On-street electric vehicle charging strategy

This strategy document sets out our current position and strategy on public on-street electric vehicle (EV) charging, recognising that this is a key area of demand and an area where there are likely to be short-term opportunities to deliver improvements. Delivery of on-street EV charging in B&NES is closely aligned with a number of other key policy initiatives being pursued by the Council to tackle the Climate Emergency. In particular, the implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods offer an opportunity for fresh thinking on how road space in residential neighbourhoods is used and is likely to bring new opportunities to deliver on-street EV charging.

  • Published date: 30 May 2022
  • Last updated: 30 May 2022


Last updated 30 May 2022

Low Traffic Neighbourhood strategy


Low Traffic Neighbourhood strategy

“Low traffic neighbourhoods” are being successfully introduced both across the UK and abroad as a means of tackling traffic issues in communities. They are typically considered in predominately residential areas, where several streets are grouped and organised in a way to discourage through-vehicle traffic or “rat-running”. Importantly residents remain able to drive on their streets, park on their streets and receive deliveries although it is noted that strategies should be in place to help reduce car ownership and usage by residents within any low traffic neighbourhood area. This report sets out how we will introduce them in B&NES.

  • Published date: 30 May 2022
  • Last updated: 30 May 2022


Last updated 30 May 2022

Residents Parking Scheme strategy


Residents Parking Scheme strategy

This report sets out the strategic vision and key considerations for residents’ parking schemes in the city of Bath. It also sets out the revised policy for the implementation of residents’ parking schemes within wider B&NES. This revised approach has been developed through the review of the current B&NES residents’ parking permit policy and consideration of how residents’ parking schemes, separately or in conjunction with the low traffic neighbourhood strategy, could benefit local communities. This policy not only applies to the consideration of new schemes within B&NES, but also the review of existing schemes where necessary, particularly in conjunction with development and implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods.

  • Published date: 30 May 2022
  • Last updated: 30 May 2022


Last updated 30 May 2022

Getting Around Bath - a transport strategy for Bath


Getting Around Bath - a transport strategy for Bath

The Getting Around Bath Transport Strategy (GABTS) was adopted in 2015 and covered the period up to 2029. The Strategy identifies increasing the numbers using sustainable transport as the key overarching aim whilst supporting growth. As part of the strategy a set of performance targets were agreed up to 2020. Those targets for walking, cycling and bus passengers have now been delivered.

  • Published date: 25 May 2022
  • Last updated: 25 May 2022


The aim is to reduce congestion and allow people to move around to make the long-term economic strategy for the area work. We want to:

  • Support and enable economic growth, competitiveness and jobs
  • Promote sustainable mobility
  • Widen travel choice
  • Widen access to opportunities: jobs / learning / training
  • Improve air quality and health, reducing vehicle carbon emissions
  • Safeguard and enhancing the unique historic environment and World
  • Heritage Site status
  • Improve the quality of life in the city

Key proposals include:

  • developing a walking/cycling strategy to make Bath the UK’s most walkable city;
  • better management of HGVs in the city;
  • continued expansion of Park and Ride sites; and
  • a new location for coaches to park after dropping off visitors in the centre.


Last updated 25 May 2022

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