MiPermit location number 751014
Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2NE
This car park is around 100m west of Queen Square and the main entrance is at the junction of Charlotte Street and Queen Square Place. Turn north at this junction, following signs marked “P Long Stay”. Alternatively, a second entrance is located off Marlborough Lane approximately 170m north of the junction with Upper Bristol Road.
Charlotte Street offers longer stay and multi-day parking only.
- Open Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day
- No maximum stay
- 1,056 spaces
- 24 disabled spaces
- Free motorcycle parking in designated bays only
- Electric vehicle charging available
- No height restriction
- Up to seven days' parking can be purchased
- Please use MiPermit our cashless payment system - download the smartphone app from your app store, or create an account in advance of your visit
- Full lighting
- Toilets
WarningPlease note, payment can be made using MiPermit, by using correct change, or with debit or credit cards at selected machines.
Hours | Cost | Time period |
Evening | £2.50 to £4.10 | Evening - 18:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 4 hours | £7.20 to £9.30 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 6 hours | £10.80 to £14.20 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 24 hours | £18.90 to £24.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 2 days | £37.80 to £48.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 3 days | £56.70 to £72.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 4 days | £75.60 to £96.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 5 days | £94.50 to £120.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 6 days | £113.40 to £144.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 7 days | £132.30 to £168.00 | Every Day - 08:00 to 20:00 |
Up to 08:00 | £2.50 to £4.10 | Overnight - 20:00 to 08:00 |
Hours | Cost | Time period |
- Charges apply 7 days a week and include bank holidays
- Evening charge only available from 6pm
- If staying later than 8pm overnight charges also apply to the standard tariff
- if arriving before 8am, overnight charges also apply to the standard tariff
- You can pay using MiPermit, our cashless payment system, or with card or coins using our machines
- Charges also apply to Blue Badge holders, unless specified otherwise by signage
- Please refer to car park signage for further information, including bank holiday charges
Electric vehicle charging
Electric vehicle chargers are available in two areas of this car park. Vehicles must be plugged in, charging and have an active parking stay when using these bays.
An additional tariff is available to allow a shorter stay for a quick charge. This is available via MiPermit only. The vehicle must be plugged in and charging to use this tariff.
Duration | Amount |
1 Hour | £1.70 |
2 hours | £3.40 |