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Transport requirements

3.42    Transport systems and networks are important in terms of what they can enable, including mobility and access. Transport is a key contributor to wider societal benefits such as health and well-being, placemaking and economic growth. The choices that are made at Plan-making stage are integral to the sustainability of our District as a whole, such as the Spatial Strategy, where development is located, and how we choose to accommodate travel demand. 

3.43    Our District requires mobility of people, goods and services to fulfil the needs of the population who live, work and visit B&NES. This demand for mobility will increase as a result of housing and employment growth to be facilitated through the Local Plan. This presents a core challenge to accommodate this increased mobility need whilst supporting progress towards our Climate and Ecological Emergency commitments. 

3.44    We have made significant updates and improvements to transport policy in recent years, including through the LPPU and Transport and Developments Supplementary Planning Document (T&D SPD). Through the LPPU, we have substantially rebalanced transport policy towards sustainable modes, strengthening sustainability requirements for new development and set out detailed guidance in the SPD. We recognise that this is an early stage on our sustainability journey, and we need to continue on this strategic direction through the Local Plan and beyond. 

3.45    Bath and North East Somerset has an ambitious vision to deliver the forecast growth within the Local Plan, as part of its drive towards the decarbonisation of the transport networks across the district. At the heart of this vision is the need to ensure that people can get to where they need to go, and are able to access the facilities and services that they need, as sustainably as possible. We need to recognise that the UK’s approach to transport for the last 70 years or so is not working. We cannot continue to predict and provide for worst-case traffic levels with increased traffic capacity, enabling further growth in car usage. We need a change in approach, where the transport network is rebalanced in favour of sustainable modes. This means a lot less emphasis on accommodating private car usage than has been the case historically, which has led to car-reliant communities, and the domination of our places by cars. This is reflected through the following elements of our Transport Vision and Objectives

  • Positive contribution towards zero carbon mobility and climate resilience
  • Equitable and inclusive access to transport for all 
  • Health and well-being of local communities
  • Create Better Places

3.46    Our vision includes a presumption against building new roads for general traffic and increasing traffic capacity to deliver Local Plan growth. This is in line with LPPU Policy ST7. Including this in our vision sets a clear expectation that we will hold ourselves to our own high standards. We will ensure that this does not compromise the ability to deliver equitable and inclusive transport for all, by providing people with a range of travel opportunities, enabling those that can travel sustainably to do so, potentially freeing up existing road capacity for those that do still need to use it. 

3.47    The Transport Vision and Objectives have been developed to underpin and guide the decision-making process for the Local Plan. It has taken account of adopted local policy and guidance including the Corporate Strategy, the Joint Local Transport Plan 4, the Journey to Net Zero Transport Plan and the Spatial Priorities of the Local Plan to create a cohesive framework for sustainable development. 

3.48    The Corporate Strategy is the Council’s overarching strategic plan and includes as one of its core policies the need to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies. In line with this our transport vision seeks to ensure that growth is delivered as part of the drive to decarbonise our transport network, making a positive contribution towards zero carbon mobility and climate resilience. As one of its core principles the Corporate Strategy also focusses on delivering for local residents. The Transport Vision and Objectives positively responds to this through the creation of more travel choices by improved connectivity for all and reducing the need to travel. Through this integrated approach the transport vision and objectives ensures that the Local Plan aligns with the Corporate Strategy, and broader transport policy aims, creating positive social, economic and environmental outcomes. 

3.49    Our approach follows the sustainable transport hierarchy. In the first instance, we seek to utilise the Spatial Strategy, and following site selection process, to locate people close to the services and facilities that they need (such as employment, education, retail, leisure, public transport). Reducing the distances that people need to travel for their everyday needs will increase their ability to make those journeys on foot or by bicycle. Our Transport Strategy for the Plan will provide greater travel choice for people, and enhance their ability to travel by sustainable modes. The Evidence Base documents set out greater explanation of the process we are going through to develop this Transport Strategy.  Visit our library of Local Plan Evidence Base documents to learn more.

3.50    We recognise there are a range of challenges and opportunities for transport across the District, and that there is significant variation in levels of connectivity and car reliance. We also recognise that the planning process can only directly apply to new development, or redevelopment, limiting the scope of influence of the Local Plan. However, it is clear that in order to accommodate housing and employment growth sustainably, we must provide transport opportunities that enable people currently making trips by car to choose a more sustainable alternative. Enabling more people to travel by sustainable modes will create the “headroom” in our transport network needed to accommodate increased travel demand from new development in a sustainable manner. Thus, our transport approach will seek to achieve mode shift from existing trips, as well as delivering new development as sustainably as possible.  

3.51    Addressing the wide range of transport issues and opportunities people face across our District requires a holistic approach, delivered through the Local Plan and a range of transport plans and programmes. 

3.52    We have embarked on a programme of transport strategy, scheme identification and modelling as part of the Local Plan process. This Options Consultation is a key stage in this process to set out initial ideas to the community and other stakeholders, to seek views, and to listen to ideas. Following this, we will develop the transport strategies and evidence base as we progress towards the submission and Examination of the Plan.  

3.53    Our approach looks at the areas where options  for growth are identified, and how people move within, between, and beyond these areas. We have consulted with representatives of the community, and undertaken our own research, looking at the existing issues in these areas and the potential opportunities to support the sustainability of each area. Transport Strategies for each area are being produced that will set out the changes needed to our transport systems to provide the capacity for future growth and increase sustainability of new development. Initial ideas are included within the Evidence Base for this consultation, and they will be developed through the Local Plan process. Visit our library of Local Plan Evidence Base documents to learn more.  

3.54    We are also investigating strategic approaches to enhancing sustainable transport across the District. This includes improving the function of the Park and Ride sites to be “Transport Interchanges”, providing a greater range of travel options than car to bus, and into-out of city centre. We are also developing an Active Travel Masterplan for the District, to provide people with improved opportunities to travel by “walking and wheeling.”

Key needs discussion question

Question 1

Do you have any comments on the key requirements identified for the Local Plan to respond to, including housing need? Are there any extra needs which you think we should include?

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed