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Policy ST/AT: Active travel routes

About this page

How this part of the Local Plan Options Document works

These Development Management policy option pages contain the following sections:

Policy background

  • Relevant national policy or regulations
  • National or regional trends
  • Local situation and needs/li>
  • How we have dealt with this issue in the past
  • The thinking behind the policy

Policy options for the new Local Plan

We may suggest a variety of approaches:

  • Keeping existing policy as it is
  • Making small changes
  • Replacing the policy with something that is substantially different
  • Identifying factors or events which may affect this policy in the future

Policy option analysis

  • A list of the advantages and disadvantages that we have identified for each of the policy options we are presenting.

More on this topic

View the Transport Evidence Base documents for in-depth focus about this topic, and the evidence which informs our policy. Visit our library of Local Plan Options supporting documents to learn more.

Explore the policy

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Policy background

9.443 The council are currently progressing an Active Travel Masterplan which will set out a comprehensive plan for the existing and future active travel infrastructure required to enable and provide for sustainable forms of transport. This is being developed alongside the Local Plan 2022-2042.

9.444 The Local Plan is a critical tool in helping deliver the active travel infrastructure needed, not just for those developments contained in and facilitated by the plan but for the wider community. In order to ensure that those dedicated and protected routes identified in the Active Travel Masterplan are not compromised or prejudiced by development, existing and proposed active travel routes will be safeguarded through the Local Plan.

9.445 Policy ST2a seeks to make sure that any publicly accessible active travel routes are not adversely affected by development proposals and that opportunities to enhance the active travel route network are taken up. It also ensures that opportunities to make and enhance strategic connections between, and within, urban areas and other key origins/destinations, utilising identified routes, should be investigated, and implemented wherever feasible and necessary.

9.446 It is proposed to review the current safeguarded routes contained within ST2 and ST2a in order for the development plan to reflect current built infrastructure. Any revisions to the current safeguarded route will be shown on the Policies map accompanying the Draft (Reg 19) Local Plan. ST2a is proposed to be updated to include reference to the Active Travel Masterplan to ensure that future developments have regard for the plan.

Policy options for the new Local Plan

Option A

Update the policy to have regard for the council’s Active Travel Masterplan.

Advantages of Option A

Ensures that development which adversely affects any identified active travel route within the plan provides appropriate mitigation.

Disadvantages of Option A

None identified.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed