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B&NES council corporate priorities

2.18    We adopted the B&NES Corporate Strategy in July 2023, which sets out our overarching strategic plan. The corporate strategy sets out that the Council’s overriding purpose is ‘to improve people’s lives’.

2.19    In order to define and show how we will deliver the overriding purpose the Council has two core policies, three principles and nine priorities. These are set out in the Corporate Strategy, but can be briefly summarised as follows:

  • Two core policies of tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergencies and giving people a bigger say
  • Three principles, amplified through commitments as follows:
    • Preparing for the Future: We will work towards a resilient, sustainable economy that is fair, green, creative and connected
    • Delivering for Local Residents: We will continually improve frontline services across our communities, whilst protecting the most vulnerable
    • Focusing on Prevention: We will invest in prevention across all services to tackle inequalities and improve local areas
  • Nine priorities which set how we will improve people’s lives. These priorities are not listed here, but many of them are related to what the Local Plan is seeking to achieve.

2.20    The spatial priorities of the Local Plan are shaped by the Council’s Corporate Priorities, as well as addressing the key issues and challenges we have identified. It is clear that a transformative approach to plan-making is required to help deliver against these priorities and the council’s commitments.