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Consultation on changes to Council Tax Support

How we currently calculate Council Tax Support

In the 2017/18 financial year, we introduced an income-banded Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme for residents who receive Universal Credit.

How we calculate your Council Tax Support

We use your total weekly household income (including the Universal Credit you receive) to decide the amount of discount you can get on your Council Tax bill. Your discount will be a percentage of your total Council Tax bill. The table below shows the basic income allowance, for a single person with no children. 

Weekly income allowance Discount (% of total bill)
£0 to £110.09 90%
£110.10 to £220.19 85%
£220.20 to £330.29 80%
£330.30 to £385.34 70%
£385.35 to £440.39 50%
£440.40 or more 0%

If there is more than one person in your household

We increase your weekly household income allowance as follows:

  • + £25, if you live with a partner
  • + £50, per child who lives with you
  • Up to a maximum of £125 (if you live with a partner and two or more children)

So, for example:

  • A single person with two children gets an extra £100 on their weekly household income allowance. If their total income, including Universal Credit, is £345 per week, they fall into the 80% reduction band (£320.20 to £430.29, including the extra child allowance).
  • A couple with one child get an extra £75 on their weekly household income allowance. If their total income, including Universal Credit, is £210 per week, they will get an 85% reduction on their Council Tax bill (falling into the income band of £185.10 to £295.19, including the extra couple and child allowance).