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Tools for Parishes

Use this page to find online tools and webpages to support Parish Councils.

Parish Information Pack

Read the Parish toolkit to learn more about our service standards, processes, procedures and how best to engage with us, to report problems or get advice.

The Parish Charter

The Parish Charter provides a framework for how we work with parishes to maintain good communications and develop an effective partnership to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area.

View the Parish Charter.

Funding tools and resources

View links to grants and funding and use our searchable Funding Finder for national and local sources of grants and funding for a wide range of projects. 

Planning tools and resources

Use our dedicated Planning guide for Town and Parish Council members, to help you to find your way quickly and easily around our Planning website resources, to help you to:

  • quickly find and track local applications
  • easily discover the Planning history of particular developments
  • understand the broader Planning process
  • access and keep up to date with local Planning policy
  • find out more about Neighbourhood Plans
  • have your say on Planning policy across Bath and North East Somerset

Networking and meetings

There are a number of meetings that Parish Councils, organisations and residents can attend to share views, network and keep up to date with what is happening in the local area.

Parish Liaison

Parish Liaison is a joint meeting between Parishes and B&NES representatives to consider issues of common interest. The public can only attend as observers and by giving notice in advance.

Learn more about Parish Liaison meetings.

Area Forums

Area Forums have a geographic focus on a particular area of Bath and North East Somerset. They are attended by Ward and Parish Councillors; representatives of both statutory services and community groups and members of the public. They discuss topics of local interest.

Find out about Area Forums and the Connecting Communities programme.

Interagency Meetings

Interagency Meetings are aimed at those working or volunteering for third sector organisations and statutory services to help them share information and network. Parishes are also welcome to attend.

Read more about Interagency meetings.

News and updates

You can keep up to date with news from B&NES by visiting our newsroom.

Sign up to receive our interagency newsletter for updates on funding, meetings, news and networking.

Sign up for interagency bulletins