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Request pest control services - information for residents

Use this page to find out about affordable pest control services for residents within Bath and North East Somerset.

We can investigate:

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Wasps
  • Cockroaches
  • Cluster flies

For problems related to seagulls, please visit our Report problems caused by seagulls page.

Full price/concession price 2024/2025

Domestic Pests
Pests we treat Full price
Rats (up to 3 visits) £195 / £98
Mice (up to 3 visits) £195 / £98
Wasps/Hornet nest (1 visit)

£120 / £75

£36 additional nest

Squirrels (up to 3 visits) £216 / £108
Cockroaches (up to 3 visits)

£216 / £108

Cluster flies £144 / £72
Bedbugs, fleas and carpet moths

1-2 rooms: £216 / £108

Additional visit: £144 / £72

3-4 rooms: £360 / £180

Additional visit: £288 / £144

5 rooms: £504 / £252

Additional visit: £432 / £216

6-10 rooms: £648 / £324

Additional visit: £576 / £288

Call out fee if no treatment takes place £67 If no treatment takes place (see terms and conditions)
Missed appointment £72
Additional domestic visit vermin (normal business hours) £72
Administration charge for late cancellation £72
Administration charge for cancellation £36
Find out if you are entitled to pay the concession price

If you receive the following benefits, you will be entitled to pay the concession price:

  • Council Tax support 
  • Housing Benefit 
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment Support Allowance 
  • Pension Credit

To book a treatment or to enquire about our Pest Control Contracts, please call us on 01225 396007 


How to prevent an infestation

  • Do not feed birds or other animals to excess. The food will attract rats
  • Keep your home in a good condition so that rats cannot gain access easily 
  • Remove potential nesting sites by keeping outdoor areas clean and tidy 
  • Store food and waste in sealed containers or bins, away from where rats could get access

What to expect from a visit

We will look for signs and evidence of rats, this could be droppings or damage to food. We will then discover what is attracting them and where they are coming from. 

We will discuss with you to decide the best course of action, this will likely involve the use of bait. However, if treatment is not necessary, advice will be given on how you can solve the problem yourself.


How to prevent an infestation

  • Keep your home in a good condition so that mice cannot gain access easily
  • Ensure all rubbish and food waste is disposed of promptly and appropriately
  • Remove potential nesting sites by keeping outdoor areas clean and tidy
  • Store food and household waste in sealed containers or bins, away from where mice could get access
  • Do not feed birds or other animals to excess. The food will attract mice

What to expect from a visit

We will look for signs and evidence of mice, this could be droppings or damage to food. We will then discover what is attracting them and where they are coming from. 

We will discuss with you to decide the best course of action, this will likely involve the use of bait. However, if treatment is not necessary, advice will be given on how you can solve the problem yourself.


How to know if you have a wasp nest 

  • Wasps are bright yellow with black stripes
  • The nest is not usually visible. Nests are usually found in lofts, trees, sheds or garages, often close to a good food source
  • Look at holes in brickwork, fascia or soffit board. Wasps will use a single hole to enter (unlike mortar bees which will investigate several)
  • Look out to see if there is constant activity of wasps arriving and disappearing into your property

Please go to the British Beekeepers Association site for help with knowing if you have a bee, wasp or hornets nest

What to expect from a visit

We will confirm that the nest is a wasp nest by observing the appearance of the pests and observing behaviour. Treatment will depend on the accessibility of the nest, and officers are able to reach approximately 18 feet. An information advice sheet will be given detailing the method used. 

After treatment. We advise that you stay away from the treated nest for 4 hours until you see no further activity. If on the rare occasion there is still activity around the nest after 24 hours, we will return to retreat.


How to prevent an infestation

  • Keep your home clean, especially the kitchen. Cockroaches are attracted to grease and water
  • Empty bins regularly and keep rubbish far away
  • Prevent cockroaches from coming up drains by pouring bleach
  • Seal cracks on exterior and interior walls 
  • Move logs and wood away from your house. Cockroaches live in wood and will migrate inside buildings keep warm

What to expect from a visit

We will monitor the infestation to identify the pest. We will then use a gel based treatment, placing it near the infestation sites. 

Following treatment, we will give you an information advice sheet and contact details. You will then need to arrange a follow up visit so that the treatment can be removed.

Cluster flies

How to prevent an infestation

  • Seal around windows and other entry points
  • Check roofs, as they are known as 'attic flies' and often settle in roof voids

Cluster flies are not an indication of poor hygiene. They are simply seeking a suitably warm place to hibernate.

What to expect from a visit 

Before we visit you should cover any water tanks. We will inspect the roof space if it safe to do so and will use a ULV fog generator to eradicate any residing cluster flies. You will be advised, not to go into the loft space for at least an hour after treatment.

Following treatment, we will give you and information advice sheet providing details of the method used and contact information.

Other pests and how you can deal with them

For problems related to foxes please follow National guidance on foxes

Get information about other pests we don't treat

Visit the British Pest Control Association where you'll find a directory of contacts and services for pest control

  • Ants
  • Bats
  • Bees
  • Carpet beetles
  • Moths
  • Earwigs
  • Pigeons
  • Plaster beetles
  • Silverfish
  • Slugs
  • Spiders
  • Woodlice