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  5. Object to a premises licence application (make a representation)

Object to a premises licence application (make a representation)

Objections to premises licence applications are called representations. You can make a representation about a premises licence or club premises certificate that has not yet been granted.

You must make a representation within 28 days of the application being submitted. 

Your representation must also be related to one of the four licensing objectives:

  • The protection of children from harm
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety

Relevant representations

If we consider that a representation is relevant, we will hold a hearing to consider it, unless all involved parties agree that this is unnecessary.

Relevant representations must:

  • relate to the four licensing objectives, and how these will be affected if the licence is granted
  • be made by an interested party
  • not have been withdrawn
  • not be frivolous, vexatious or repetitious

Irrelevant representations

A representation from an interested party is irrelevant if it does not directly relate to the application and to the promotion of the licensing objectives.

For example, a representation relating to general crime and disorder in an area will be deemed irrelevant if it cannot be linked to the particular premises.

Read more about repetitious, frivolous or vexatious representations

Repetitious representations

We will deem a representation from an interested party as repetitious if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • It is based on a ground for review specified in an earlier application for review that has already been determined
  • It is identical or substantially similar to a representation already considered by the Council
  • It has already been considered irrelevant, frivolous or vexatious by the Council

Frivolous or vexatious representations

We will consider a representation from an interested party as frivolous or vexatious if it fails to meet any of the following criteria:

  • justifiable caused
  • significance
  • objectivity

Make a representation

To make a representation, you must complete a representation form and return this to us by email at

You can download a PDF form template below:

While we can accept any written representation, we ask that you complete this form in order to assist the Licensing Sub Committee at the hearing.

By signing this form, you give permission for your details to be disclosed during the hearing.

Read more about petitions and other written representations

We cannot take into account many petitions due to the way they have been completed.

We can only consider petitions that include the following details:

  • an outline of the main issues of concern at the top of each page of the petition
  • a column allowing each person who signs the petition a chance to add why they wish to object
  • the name, address and signature of each person who signs the petition
  • the date when each person who signs the petition

You must attach the petition to an Interested Parties Objection form. The person who makes the representation must complete the form.

What happens next

If you make a representation, our Licensing Sub Committee will determine the licence application at a hearing. The Committee is comprised of elected Members of the Council.

You will be invited to attend the meeting to give evidence, answer questions and call any witnesses. The Committee will listen to evidence from both sides before deciding whether to grant the application.

The committee can:

  • grant the application as applied for
  • grant the application with conditions (provided these are relevant to the licensing objectives)
  • refuse the application


If you are not satisfied with a decision made by the Committee, you may appeal to the Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of receiving the Committee’s decision.