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Strategic Evidence Base document library

  • Download the Strategic Evidence Base core document and executive summary

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Thu, 09/05/2024 - 17:43
    Service area: Adult social care and health, Births, marriages and deaths, Business, Children, young people and families, Environment, Housing, Neighbourhoods and community safety, Public health, Responding to the climate and ecological emergencies, Schools, colleges and learning, Skills and local employment, Travel, transport, and roads, Your council and democracy
  • Voicebox is a resident survey aimed at obtaining residents’ views on a range of topics to help shape and improve local services. This report provides the results for Voicebox 32 (2023).

    Document type: Corporate Report
    Page updated: Thu, 05/02/2024 - 15:43
    Service area: Neighbourhoods and community safety
  • Mid-year population estimates for Bath & North East Somerset.

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Thu, 04/11/2024 - 13:26
    Service area: Births, marriages and deaths
  • NCMP is a national programme where children in Reception Year (4-5 year olds) and Year 6 (10-11 year olds) are weighed and measured and the results are used to monitor levels of unhealthy weight in…

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Wed, 04/10/2024 - 15:23
    Service area: Children, young people and families
  • The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 sets out an assessment of need for pharmaceutical services in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) for the three-year period 1st October 2022 to 30th…

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Wed, 03/13/2024 - 14:44
    Service area: Public health
  • The ward profiles provide a summary of the Bath and North East Somerset population across a range of topics. The interactive dashboard allows for comparison of data across the 33 wards.

    Document type: Dataset
    Page updated: Wed, 11/22/2023 - 15:55
    Service area: Adult social care and health, Births, marriages and deaths, Children, young people and families
  • Voicebox is a resident survey aimed at obtaining residents’ views on a range of topics to help shape and improve local services. This report provides the results for Voicebox 31 (2022).

    Document type: Corporate Report
    Page updated: Wed, 07/12/2023 - 11:11
    Service area: Neighbourhoods and community safety
  • Technical support document for core B&NES policy

    Document type: Corporate Report, Report
    Page updated: Wed, 05/03/2023 - 12:25
    Service area: Environment
  • This briefing sets out work undertaken by Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) Council to understand why care home deaths rates were higher than the national average during the second wave in…

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Tue, 03/14/2023 - 09:36
    Service area: Public health
  • This report provides an overview of Wellbeing and Mental Health in B&NES and highlights key issues affecting our local population.

    Document type: Report
    Page updated: Thu, 07/07/2022 - 15:35
    Service area: Adult social care and health, Children, young people and families, Public health