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Core Strategy, Placemaking Plan and Local Plan Partial Update

The Core Strategy, Placemaking Plan and Local Plan Partial Update (LPPU) put in place a planning framework (both strategic and non-strategic) to guide development in our district until 2029. We will use these documents, as part of our local Development Plan, in the determination of planning applications. Use this page to direct you to the documents you need to consult, to gain a detailed understanding of this local planning policy.

The Core Strategy was adopted in 2014, and the Placemaking Plan in 2017. The LPPU was adopted on 19 January 2023. 

Read more about the LPPU development
In spring 2020 the Council started work on the Local Plan Partial Update (LPPU), which amends or updates parts of the adopted Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan (which together make up the Local Plan) to better address Council priorities, in particular the climate and ecological emergencies.

The draft LPPU was submitted in December 2021 to the Secretary of State for examination by an independent Planning Inspector. The Inspector has completed his examination and has concluded that the submitted LPPU is legally compliant and can be made sound, subject to a schedule of ‘main modifications’. View more detail of the Examination process and documentation

The Council adopted the LPPU, incorporating the main modifications, at a Special Council Meeting on 19 January 2022. There are also a number of additional minor modifications, which are not necessary for soundness, but are needed to ensure consistency and clarity.

New Composite Plans

For ease of use moving forward, you can view the LPPU policy amendments, combined with the existing Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, in single set of Composite Plans, which contain all of the current policy. You can also view the separate Evidence Base document lists for each of these Plans. 

LPPU adoption documentation

If you have been following the progress of the LPPU, you may want to view the LPPU adoption documentation in isolation, to see the final adopted version of the document.

Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan evidence base 

If you have a professional or research interest in the historic development of our planning policy, you can view the original Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan documentation, together with their respective evidence base documentation, on our archive policy page. 

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