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Chew Valley Area Forum - February 2024

  • The Forum received a verbal update from the Chair on the Somer Valley Links scheme, which includes the A37 into Bristol.  A fuller written update on the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement was then made available.  
  • The Police were unable to attend but provided two written updates - one for North Mendip Beat and one for Pensford and Chew Valley Beat. 
  • There was a discussion on flooding, to which the Fire Service contributed. It was agreed that the Forum would establish a working group to look at opportunities to involve more volunteers in monitoring water levels and clearing drains.  Also to find a solution to quickly sharing information about affected or closed roads and subsequent diversion routes.  If anyone would be interested in finding out more, or joining this group contact the Community Engagement Team by email
  • The main Agenda Item was Climate and Nature updates: 
    • The Forum received presentations from Stuart Gardner - Nature Recovery Manager with B&NES on Local Nature Action Plans.   
    • Also from Dave Wood - Chief Executive of Avon Needs Trees on Lower Chew Forest. 
    • Simon Hunter - Chief Executive of Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) gave an update on the River Chew. 
    • The Forum also heard from members of the former Chew Valley Area Forum Climate and Nature Emergency Working Group who have now moved onwards and upwards to establish groups in their own right. 
    • Guy Norfolk gave an update on progress with the Chew Valley Nature Recovery Network, followed by Jackie Head on the work of the Chew Valley Sustainable Transport Group.

It was a very interesting meeting and we thank all those that attended and contributed.

Chair of the Somer Valley Links scheme
Fire Service
Stuart Gardner - B&NES Nature Recovery Manager
Dave Wood - Chief Executive of Avon Needs Trees
Simon Hunter - Chief Executive of Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART)
Guy Norfolk - Chew Valley Area Forum Climate and Nature Emergency Working Group
Jackie Head - Chew Valley Area Forum Climate and Nature Emergency Working Group