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Tree Seed Processing - Volunteer Session

More Trees for Bath & NE Somerset (MTB) is a charity with a simple goal: to grow and plant more trees in and around Bath making it a greener place to live, work and play. Seed collecting and processing for More Trees starts in September (continuing through to December).

Join us at one of our sessions at our “Hub” at BANES Council parks department at Royal Victoria Park and help us process tree seeds for around 20 native species collected from ancient woodland surrounding Bath. You’ll have fun, meet new people and get your hands dirty!

If you have a love of trees and want to learn more about them, if you are passionate about the environment and want to help improve it for the future, or if you simply enjoy gardening and would like to try something a little different then please join us.


The Hub. Our Hub is situated in the B&NES Council parks department in the heart of Royal Victoria Park, just a short walk from the centre of Bath. The entrance is via the Urban Garden on the corner of Marlborough Buildings and Royal Avenue.


If you would like to join us, please email to reserve your place.


More Trees for Bath & NE Somerset



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