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Liveable Neighbourhoods: proposal discussion

This discussion took place in October 2020, and forms part of a series of publicly available sessions on the ongoing work your council is doing to improve people's lives. It covers our ambitious proposals for liveable neighbourhoods.

Liveable neighbourhoods are an important part of our plan to tackle the climate and ecological emergency and to improve health and wellbeing across the area. We have developed the three strategies below, which we have presented to local residents and business for consultation.

  • Low traffic neighbourhood strategy
  • Residents' parking schemes strategy
  • On-street electric vehicle charging strategy

These are particularly important if we’re to meet our climate emergency targets by 2030.

Dine Romero, Leader of B&NES Council
Cllr Joanna Wright, Joint Cabinet Member for Transport
Cllr Neil Butters, Joint Cabinet Member for Transport
Chris Major, Assistant Director for Transport and Highways (B&NES)
Jessica Fox-Taylor, Team Leader - Public Transport & Strategy (B&NES)