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Liveable Neighbourhoods: consultation proposals

This discussion took place in July 2020, and forms part of a series of publicly available sessions on the ongoing work your council is doing to improve people's lives.

We have recently published ambitious proposals to deliver Liveable Neighbourhoods which create better and more accessible places across Bath & North East Somerset, improving air quality, tackling the climate and nature emergencies, and improving people’s health.

The panellists outline the reasons why these proposals have come forward, the principles of what they aim to deliver and the process for hearing citizen’s views.

Dine Romero, Leader (B&NES Council)
Cllr Sarah Warren, Cabinet member for Climate Emergency (B&NES Council)
Cllr Joanna Wright, Joint Cabinet member for Transport (B&NES Council)
Chris Major, Assistant Director for Transport and Highways (B&NES Council)