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How are decisions made in planning?

Join Cllr Dine Romero, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, as she hosts the latest in the series of panel discussions about the planning process.

We receive over 3000 planning applications per year, 1000s of comments from the public in response to those applications, and we give pre planning advice to nearly 1000 applicants per year. These applications can range from minor changes and additions to homes (such as, a new garden shed), changes of use (such as shops to offices), and major developments (such as, new housing estates or significant commercial buildings).

The Development Management Process (the process for how planning permission decisions are made) is determined by national and local planning policy and includes a range of ‘material considerations’ that are also taken into account.

This webinar will talk through the decision making process, the different parties involved, what types of applications are delegated decisions, and also the scope and role of the Planning Committee.

There will be the option to submit questions to the panel during the webinar, which will also be live streamed to YouTube without pre-registration required.

Visit our web page for past webinars about Planning Policy and the Local Plan Partial Update.

Cllr Dine Romero, Leader of the Council (Chair)
Cllr Tim Ball, Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning, and Economic Development
Cllr Matt McCabe, Chair of the Planning Committee and Ward Cllr
Sarah James, Deputy Head of Planning - Development Management
Chris Gomm, Team Manager, Development Management
Simon de Beer, Head of Planning