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Black Lives Matter - A young people's perspective

This discussion took place in October 2020, and forms part of a series of publicly available sessions on the ongoing work your council is doing to improve people's lives.

The Discussion brings together council leaders with representatives of local universities, youth and family advocacy organisations, with the aim of exploring young people's views on topics around race and racism:

  • Exploring their feelings about race issues and racism locally, and internationally, and the rise and response of the BLM movement
  • Asking what they would like to see happen in schools, colleges and other settings to increase awareness of racism and how to tackle it
  • Suggesting how there can be more opportunities to learn about and promote black history
Dee Johnson (Bath Spa)
Lucia Vinyard (Boys in Mind/Girls Mind Too)
Rachelle Wabissa (Bath University)
Indra Black (Member of the Youth Parliment)
Ben Notice (Bath College)
Joshua Okumu (Black Families Education Support Group)
Cllr Dine Romero, Leader of B&NES Council
Cllr Kevin Guy, Cabinet Member for Children's Services
Mary Kearney-Knowles, Director - Children & Young People (B&NES)
Chris Wilford, Director of Education Inclusion and Childrens Safeguarding (B&NES)